Hacks for the perfect travel makeup

let’s be honest The worst part about traveling is the packing and unpacking, combat delays, uncomfortable seats, disconnections, exhaustion, sun poisoning and those nasty sunburns. For now, we are focusing on how we can make your makeup life easier. In my life as a celebrity makeup artist, my clients are always on the go. Here are some easy hacks for the perfect travel makeup.

Make a “don’t wrap” list.

It may sound strange, but it works. What you pack and what you use often are two different things. Things can easily get out of hand when you only need 5 products but have 17 packed “just in case”. TIP: Make a list of products you’ve never used on your recent trips and don’t repack them.

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Pack like you don’t mean it.

Don’t take makeup packing too seriously. Be aware of your FOMOM: Fear of missing makeup. The only great thing that has come from years of overpacking is that suitcases now have four wheels.

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Take less, use more.

Most products can be used for more than one purpose. Your lip balm can be used as a highlighter with a small brush and your mascara as a liquid liner. Your lipstick can be used as a blush and your blush as an eye shadow. Finally, any spray toner can be used as a setting spray, while all bronzers can be used as a setting powder.

Get travel-sized products.

Shop for travel edition makeup sets; they have a bit of everything in them. Don’t buy too many, though, or it will seem like you’ve shrunk your entire life into a plastic zip-lock bag. While nobody likes it when you give up, nobody will complain if you stop overpacking.

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Got a take away bag.

Always keep a makeup bag handy and packed. This will make your life easier and your man happier. Remember, “You don’t have to prepare if you stay prepared.”

I hope you enjoyed our simple tips for perfect travel makeup. Never forget: “A smile is the best makeup.”

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