Griner testifies that the interpreter provided by Russia provided an incomplete translation

American basketball star Brittney Griner on Wednesday gave details of her arrest and the first moments in Russian detention, testifying that an interpreter provided by the authorities left her perplexed during hours of questioning.

Griner, who was arrested at a Moscow airport in February for carrying cannabis oil in her luggage, faces up to 10 years on drug-related charges.

The trial began earlier this month, with Griner pleading guilty during a July 7 court appearance. In her plea, Griner said “there was no intent” and that she “didn’t want to break the law.”

Griner said at that hearing that she preferred to make her official testimony later.

That moment came on Wednesday, when Griner first testified, shedding light on the pre- and post-arrest of her Feb. 17 arrest.

According to the Associated Press, Griner described “a grueling 13-hour flight from Arizona to Moscow while recovering from COVID-19” and “said she still doesn’t know how the cannabis oil she had a doctor’s recommendation for landed.” her bag but explained she packed in a hurry under great stress.”

Most notably, Griner said “a language interpreter provided during her questioning translated only a fraction of what was said, and officials directed her to sign documents without explanation,” the Associated Press reported.

The AP has more: “Besides the interpreter’s incomplete translation, Griner said she was not offered an explanation of her rights, access to lawyers, and was ordered to sign documents without receiving an explanation of what they implied.” After hours of procedures she didn’t understand, she was allowed to hand over her personal belongings to a lawyer before being taken away in handcuffs, Griner said. She said she received only a cursory translation of the allegations against her during a Feb. 19 hearing where a court authorized her arrest.”

According to the New York Times, Griner testified “from a closed witness stand.”

The Times, citing Griner’s attorneys, said the “verdict is expected in August.”

Griner’s detention has become a symbol of the disputed relationship between the United States and Russia, as her arrest comes days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In May, the US again ruled Griner “unjustly imprisoned,” a move that signaled intent to negotiate her release.

President Joe Biden is facing increasing pressure, both from lawmakers and from Griner’s brothers in the sports world, to secure their freedom.

Last week, a bipartisan group of US Senators filed a resolution calling for Griner’s release.

Earlier this month, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris spoke with Griner’s wife, Cherelle Griner, after the WNBA star sent the president a letter.

“Sitting here in a Russian prison, alone with my thoughts and without the protection of my wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey or any accomplishments, I fear that I may be here forever,” Brittney Griner wrote in the letter to Biden.

“I realize that you are involved in so much, but please don’t forget about me and the other American prisoners,” she continued. “Please do everything you can to bring us home. I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore it. I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for anything you can do at this moment to bring me home.”

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