Grass in the White House

The White House is the residence of the President – ​​but every now and then there was a bit of green there too.

It's pretty clear that U.S. presidents aren't huge supporters of marijuana use. And while the Biden/Harris administration has made it clear that they're not a fan of it, what about presidents of recent years and their families? Who's smoked weed in the White House? The West and East Wings are full of people who help run the government, especially the younger ones. But what about the living quarters with the commander in chief and his family?

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In recent times, John F. Kennedy (JFK) was the first president to use marijuana in the White House. According to Michael O'Brien, JFK's biographer, the president smoked cannabis with Mary Meyer, one of his mistresses. JFK suffered from chronic back pain since his early 20s. He underwent a total of four back surgeries and suffered from pain throughout his life. Cannabis is known to relieve chronic pain and he sought relief in various places. In fact, Max Jacobson, the first Dr. Feelgood, was looking for a cure for the pain.

Lyndon B. Johnson drank but did not do drugs, and while Gerald Ford did not use weed, his wife drank and did use opiates. Ford's son Jack confessed to using marijuana and most likely used it while they lived in the White House. He was the first adult son to live in the White House since the days of FDR, and the pressure was enormous. His desire is understandable.

Jimmy Carter confirmed the rumors about the most famous marijuana-related moment in the White House: when Willie Nelson smoked a joint with the president's son on the roof of the White House.

“When Willie Nelson wrote his autobiography, he confessed to smoking marijuana in the White House,” Carter says. “He says his companion was one of the White House staff. In fact, it was one of my sons.”

Experienced people started putting two and two together and figured out which Carter boy was smoking a joint with Nelson – Chip Carter, Jimmy's middle son. Chip had developed a personal friendship with NORML founder Keith Stroup and was “a marijuana smoker himself.”

The Reagans fueled the marijuana craze with the “Say No To Drugs” campaign. First Lady Nancy became a major anti-drug advocate. Despite the campaign and Nancy's aversion to drugs (and apparently alcohol), Ronald Reagan was a great wine lover. Their successors, the George HW Bushes, who were notoriously not close to Reagan, were old-school drinkers who drank vodka martinis and bourbon. But not green or gummy bears.

Clinton's famous statement, “I didn't inhale,” caused a stir over his marijuana experiment. He was the first president to be open about it, but once he became president, he stopped using marijuana. George W. Bush had improved by the time he was elected and did not use drugs or alcohol after an unhappy period in his life.

The next president said he used cannabis in college and as a young adult and viewed it as more of a rite of passage. President Barack Obama said smoking marijuana was no more dangerous than drinking alcohol, but he seemed to have stopped as his political career took off. His successor does not drink or use drugs.

Biden, known to be an old-school supporter, does not consume marijuana at all, but could be the first to take a major step toward legalization.

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