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In 2021, Cannabiz Media launched Cannabiz Intelligence™, the only comprehensive source for verified cannabis and hemp financial analysis, merger and acquisition (M&A) targeting, and valuation data. Since then, Cannabiz Intelligence has grown, offering 28 dashboards of critical information people working in and with the cannabis industry need to get their jobs done, make decisions, and achieve their goals.
Let’s take a look at how to access and use the cannabis industry business intelligence data you need in Cannabiz Intelligence.
Exportable data for custom modeling
Data is great, but to make data usable you need to be able to manipulate it in your own models. The Cannabiz Business Intelligence team can help you export the data in all dashboards within Cannabiz Intelligence so you can use the data exactly how you need it.
For example, you could download:
- Historical license and facility counts
- wholesale prices for flowers
- Data on the number of patients
- Government revenue data
- sales data
- Canopy size data
- Distribution Data
- financial positions
- And more
Once the data is exported, you can use your own models to determine total addressable market (TAM) potential, revenue opportunities, business opportunity analysis, and more. For example, you can use wholesale flower price data to create your own forecasts and perform break-even analysis based on multiple price points.
Identify trends and anomalies
Cannabiz Intelligence contains a huge amount of historical cannabis industry data that you can easily use to identify trends and anomalies that could impact your business, decisions and strategies. For example, did you know that Cannabiz Intelligence contains more than 800 months of medical and adult sales and production data, culled from all 21 states that make this data available? You can quickly analyze sales by state and program, as well as product sales data by category, date, and licensee.
Some of the questions that all this historical data can help you answer are:
- How do wholesale flower prices fluctuate over time?
- What are the trends in licensing?
- What is selling?
- Are the sales in the last month, year, etc. trending up or down?
- Which product types are enjoying increasing or declining popularity?
- How has the number of retail stores increased or decreased?
- Are there anomalies in the data that could indicate market problems?
- Does legalizing adult use cannibalize the sale of medical programs and to what extent?
Historical data is critical for forecasting, setting goals, avoiding risk and seizing opportunities. It can also help you assess market dynamics, size markets, and gauge the health and growth of various markets so you can develop your own short- and long-term strategies and plans.
Get from A to B faster
It’s easy to look at data at the macro level in Cannabiz Intelligence and then dig deeper to get more granular, which is essential for decision making. For example, when you combine sales data in Cannabiz Intelligence with active deal data in the Cannabiz Media License Database, you have all the data you need for comprehensive analysis.
Below are just some of the questions you can quickly answer when you have access to all the data you need in one place – Cannabiz Intelligence:
- How many patients are there per store in medical markets?
- What is the wholesale pricing in relation to the number of cultivation licenses?
- How much were licenses sold in different jurisdictions?
- What M&A activities have been or are ongoing and who is involved in these transactions?
- How many leaseback transactions have been completed in a given period and who is involved in these deals?
- How does the market in one state compare to another state?
Another example relates to trends in licenses issued. With the trending data in Cannabiz Intelligence, you can look at different markets, research who is operating in them, and determine projected outcomes. For equity analysts, this data is extremely helpful in determining how to rate cannabis stocks based on their performance.
justify decisions
Cannabiz Intelligence data is reliable and up-to-date so you can make decisions with confidence. The built-in dashboards highlight critical data, and when coupled with trending data and your own models and analysis, you have a significant amount of data to make a variety of decisions.
Some of the most common questions that subscribers can answer using the data available to them in Cannabiz Intelligence are:
- Where do I use my field service?
- What expansion options are there? Which areas are saturated or ripe? What licensing and partnership options are there?
- What are my top M&A targets?
- What would an acquisition look like for a specific company?
- Which legal advisors work on M&A deals in the cannabis industry? Who has the most M&A experience in the cannabis industry?
For example, you can export cannabis M&A transaction data with detailed information on both the buy and sell side, including the licenses that make up the deal. You can also use the automated M&A simulator to simulate acquisitions between two companies. All data and tools enable you to make better and more informed M&A decisions.
Key insights on how to get the cannabis business intelligence you need
Cannabis industry stakeholders no longer need to make blind decisions or spend hours, days, weeks, or more collecting the data they need from disconnected sources (if they can even find that data). Cannabiz Intelligence gives you streamlined access to reliable, timely data so you can make the best decisions and achieve your goals.
Schedule a free Cannabiz Intelligence demo to see how you can use the data and tools to get work done, make better decisions, and achieve your goals.
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