Get more out of every hit with a STORZ & BICKEL vaporizer

Dry herb vaporizers from STORZ & BICKEL help your flower.

Dry herb vaporizers have been a mainstay of the cannabis scene since STORZ & BICKEL released the first modern dry herb vaporizer, the legendary VOLCANO, in 2000. These finely tuned machines offer precise control, making them a favorite among canasseurs looking to experience everything the plant has to offer. STORZ & BICKEL have not stopped innovating since they first erupted; They now offer a range of state of the art dry herb vaporizers to fill every niche and need.

From the ultra-portable CRAFTY+ and MIGHTY+ to the venerable VOLCANO, STORZ & BICKEL’s master engineers continue to produce impeccably designed and engineered devices. The dry herb vaporizers from these German artisans not only offer improved temperature control and health benefits compared to smoking, but they are also much more efficient than any joint or bong. Simply put, your weed will go further in a STORZ & BICKEL vaporizer than anywhere else.


STORZ & BICKEL raise the bar again with MIGHTY+

Let’s dive into some of the key technologies that have established the legendary reputation of STORZ & BICKEL dry herb vaporizers.

Don’t let your weed go up in smoke

Vaporizer for dry herbsCourtesy of STORZ & BICKEL

STORZ & BICKEL vaporizers use patented heating technology that brings them up to date with the latest innovations. The secret of most of their products is a mix of conduction and convection heating. This method of cannabinoid extraction heats the air around the weed and the bud itself, creating large, aromatic clouds. This method is also more efficient than simple combustion, which does not evenly heat the herb whether you’re smoking from a joint, bong, or pipe. The MIGHTY+, CRAFTY+ and VOLCANO HYBRID all use this intricately engineered process that produces vapor from the very first puff.

Have you ever smoked a bowl so well that you wish you could smoke it again?

Have you ever smoked a bowl so well that you wish you could smoke it again? STORZ & BICKEL offers what your old bong cannot; a heating method that can reuse ground herb for multiple sessions. By slowly increasing the temperature to which the herb is heated, various cannabinoids can be extracted over time. This means your flower will last for multiple sessions and you will experience all the plant has to offer.


How cannabis vaporizers are evolving

STORZ & BICKEL dry herb vaporizers not only save you money with their increased efficiency, they also help you experiment with different temperatures to experience the cannabis more fully. The efficiency of their patented heating method produces full, flavorful clouds of vapor that represent strain more fully than combustion. STORZ & BICKEL offers a more complete cannabis experience than can be found by burning weed, and it also saves you some money through increased efficiency. What’s not to love?

A healthier high

Vaporizer for dry herbsCourtesy of STORZ & BICKEL

While the negative health effects of smoking cannabis have been massively exaggerated for a number of years, the unfortunate truth is that inhaling smoke of any kind is not and never will be good for your lungs. When you light your flower, you inhale toxic by-products created by the burning weed and lighter fuel. These can strain the lungs and throat and cause uncomfortable effects over a long period of time. This isn’t scaremongering from Reefer Madness; Smoking carries some real risks. Luckily, STORZ & BICKEL has your back.


Is smoking cannabis bad for you?

A study conducted on the VOLCANO CLASSIC has shown that the heating technology of STORZ & BICKEL’s flagship product has significant health benefits compared to smoking. This study, conducted at the University of Leiden, looked at the number of harmful compounds inhaled when consuming cannabis. Test subjects ingested a greatly reduced harmful intake when using the dry herb vaporizer as opposed to burning the buds. Not only that, the VOLCANO also significantly reduced the amount of carbon monoxide inhaled by the test subjects. And don’t worry you won’t get hit that hard; The same study shows that the dry herb vaporizer can extract up to 54% THC from ground flower, a percentage that easily rivals the amount obtained through combustion.

Test subjects ingested a greatly reduced harmful intake when using the dry herb vaporizer as opposed to burning the buds.

The secret of the success of the STORZ & BICKEL product line lies in the art of engineering. The electronic controls on dry herb vaporizers keep the extraction temperature below the heat of combustion, meaning the original structure of the plant matter remains intact and exits your body. Aside from saving you money by using a lot less weed, this is the trick that ensures vaping is better for you than smoking. STORZ & BICKEL’s ingenious design keeps your lungs and accounts alive and well in balance by ensuring your weed doesn’t end up as ash.

Artful design, precision engineering

The strict quality control of the STORZ & BICKEL production line is legendary in the cannabis industry. The craftsmanship seen in every single dry herb vaporizer offered by these German engineers demonstrates their signature commitment to quality. All vaporizers available for purchase are medically certified, manufactured in STORZ & BICKEL’s factory in Tuttlingen, Germany and undergo a series of tests to ensure their vaporizers meet their exacting standards.

Courtesy of STORZ & BICKEL

You can feel the hands of a master designer in every contour of a STORZ & BICKEL vaporizer designed to be durable, reliable and beautiful. From the portable CRAFTY+, the portable power pack MIGHTY+ or the venerable VOLCANO, all STORZ & BICKEL products offer increased efficiency, scientifically proven health benefits and high-quality technology. All in a beautiful package that will spark conversations and help you get the most out of your flower. STORZ & BICKEL are here to help you take your weed further.

Ready to experience what a STORZ & BICKEL dry herb vaporizer can do for your next session? Visit their website to find the ideal device for your lifestyle and learn more details about their products and design process.

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Vaporizer for dry herbsCourtesy of STORZ & BICKEL

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