Ganja’s Great Resignation – Why Are So Many Cannabis Employees Quitting Their Jobs?
At least 3 in 10 new employees quit within the first three months of hiring cannabis-related companies. Um what do you say Why are there so many cannabis jobs open in America’s hottest industry?
These companies are forced to hire new employees almost every month due to the departure of these people.
Recruiting staff in cannabis-based companies
There are many job opportunities in the cannabis industry, including sales and marketing officers, budget tenders, growers, laboratory technicians, cannabis specialists / advisors, etc.
Employees are hired based on their degree, experience and willingness to learn. Once they are hired, the company trains them to do the best they can in their designated units.
Why do new cannabis employees quit?
The cannabis industry is populated by companies competing for the best workforce.
Most of these workers leave because they have been offered better packages by competitors. These competitors see no reason to train new workers if they can offer better packages to industry-experienced and experienced workers in other companies. This logic is used by various companies in the cannabis industry, workers are more or less wrested from their competitors.
Another factor that contributes to low employee retention is poor management.
Workers should be respected and given creative freedom in every entity they belong to, but this is not the case. With the ever-available flow of workers ready to fill junior positions, companies tend not to value their employees highly.
An employee who leaves creates a vacuum in the team. This vacuum can limit the company’s growth in a number of ways. Entrepreneurs are frustrated with recent events as more and more resources are wasted on hiring new employees. Some companies have tried to offer their workers better benefits, but this still has not prevented one in three workers from leaving at least two months after being hired.
Companies need to grab the bull by the horns by adopting sustainable employee retention guidelines. These guidelines prevent employees from leaving the company unless the reasons are valid. In addition to these guidelines, management must begin considering ways to improve the personal development of each individual employee.
This is how you retain your employees
Here are some strategies that could be implemented to improve a company’s work environment and reduce the rate of employee leaving.
Host career development workshop events
It is not enough that you train workers as soon as they are hired. You have to help them improve their skills.
Holding career development workshops will help increase your employees’ work ethic and help them create a career plan for themselves.
The workshop tutors need to ensure that they let workers know how their career path will affect their professional growth as well as company goals.
Because these courses are held at least once a month, employees can see the big picture and understand how valuable they are to the company’s mission.
Benefits and rewards
Companies in the cannabis industry have sales worth at least thousands of dollars each quarter. Without the high performance of the workers, the company would not run perfectly or make a lot of profit.
In months of high profits, remember to reward hardworking members of your team, this will keep them motivated to do their best.
Every employee must also have advantages associated with their role in the company. Basic care packages can include health insurance, rental subsidies, and transportation subsidies.
Workers should also be promoted and their salaries increased at the right time.
This is a better option than recruiting and training a new employee.
Offer new challenges
The workers are fed up with doing the same task every day. Although repetition of tasks helps workers become experts, most of the time it makes work lose its appeal. The employees become too relaxed and think about looking for challenges in other companies.
Give employees a wide variety of tasks to complete in a set timeframe. It could be learning new skills or working in other units, this would make workers come to work every day.
These motivational challenges must revolve around the skills and interests of each worker.
Also, consider the benefits of having employees work from home or planning some activities for the team away from the office. This can take the form of charity events or community service.
Improve communication
All healthy relationships – formal or informal – are based on good communication between all team members.
By communicating with employees, you can think of other ways you can improve your company’s culture and work ethic.
Communication is also about providing feedback to employees on their performance and asking them about the challenges that plague them in the workplace.
Informal and formal communication in the workplace is very important for the team to grow. Employees become more confident and have the freedom to turn to senior team members for help without fear of being judged or ignored.
They are also better tailored to the benefits and needs of the team members.
Conflict management
The workplace consists of people with different cultures, religions and qualities. So conflicts are normal. The decisive factor is how these conflicts are dealt with.
Sometimes employees can handle internal disputes without involving senior team members, however ongoing disputes tend to make the work environment unfriendly and toxic.
Company managers need to hold conflict resolution meetings with team members. Workers should be able to report problems and managers should know that they are moderating, not judging.
When conflicts are addressed quickly, the work environment remains productive.
Corporate values and culture
When hiring employees, make sure their values are aligned with the values of the company.
This is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not an employee would stay with the company for an extended period of time.
Good and well-defined corporate cultures help employees to commit themselves to the growth of the company.
Bottom line
Cannabis companies can only thrive if employees continue to be committed to growing the company.
All team members need to invest in the success of the company by seeing the need to develop into valuable team members.
The main focus of any business manager should be on creating a healthy work environment for employees. When your employees are happy and motivated, the company’s productivity will be long-term.
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