Ganja Theories – Can you lose yourself in a dream and never wake up?
Oh boy do I have one for you my ganjanauts! If you’re not high – I strongly encourage you to drop everything you’re doing and light up before we start digging down that rabbit hole.
Don’t worry, I’ll be right there when you come back!
If you’re reading this sentence, I’d like to assume that the THC is tickling your brain and you’re curious as to what the heck I mean by “getting lost in a dream”. Now, while I’m not 100% sure myself what it means exactly, I think it’s an idea worth discussing, and while it’s certainly a fringe idea — it’s an idea you can best enjoyed while baking.
So let me get back to the beginning.
I’m reading a book right now called Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland, a 900+ page mega book that could very easily be used as a murder weapon. As a psychonaut, I like to download different interpretations of how reality works to broaden my own perspective of “what’s happening?” We can call them “maps” which I use to explore “territory” or as everyone calls it “reality”.
For example, some people believe that there is an almighty entity that created the entire universe for “reasons,” and somehow this almighty entity really doesn’t want you to follow your natural urges and instead dedicate your life to him and those who happen to be within be in direct communication with it.
Others believe it is not an entity but rather a universal intelligence that responds to our inner emotional states. We attract certain events by vibrating at a certain frequency, and that’s how life works. Still others believe that we are born again, while others believe that we are simply matter and a random point in the fabric of consciousness.
Unfortunately for everyone’s belief system – you are the only one who believes what you believe! In other words, no one else shares your faith, even if you belong to the same faith or organization. Because once a belief enters those ear holes and the vibration of the words triggers a memory bank that ascribes a meaning to it according to the viewer’s subjective experience.
Nobody observes reality in the same way, or to put it another way: “What you experience is not necessarily what I experience”.
And that’s exactly why I read other paradigms and means of interpreting the world around me to expand my ability to see my blind spots. Reality Transurfing is one such paradigm or way of seeing the world.
Of course, I can’t explain to you today what this is all about. After all, the book is over nine hundred pages long and the author has written several other variations on his system. However, if you were to force me to “elevator pitch” it would be reality transsurfing;
“You can only experience or perceive one reality timeline at a time, but within ‘alternate space’ or the quantum dimension, if you will, all possible configurations of your life exist. However, you are trapped in that particular timeline due to your focus on certain thought structures in your space. The book looks at techniques on how you can move from one timeline to another…”
And it talks about a million other things. One thing in particular concerns lucid dreaming. Within this paradigm, when you are lucid dreaming, you are not simply dreaming in your bed, but your soul (mind/consciousness) is traveling through this “alternative space”. Not only do you conjure up images from your unconscious, but you are literally transported to other realms of this quantum dimension and experience life and consciousness from a different perspective.
This is where the author piqued my interest – especially when he talks about the possible dangers of lucid dreaming. Instead of my stoned ass trying to tell you, how about I just quote the man;
“Anyone who practices lucid dreaming would probably assure you that lucid dreaming is not dangerous at all, but perhaps these people don’t realize that they are walking on a knife edge. No one can guarantee that you will return from a lucid dream. There is no danger while your soul flies in unrealized sectors of the field, but what do you think happens if the soul accidentally lands in a realized sector of alternate space? There is a hypothesis that a person can physically manifest himself in this sector. I know wild guesses aren’t likely to scare the reader that easily, but as you can see, the guess indicates some risk, and what if it were true?” — Vadim Zeland, Reality Transsurfing
In essence, he argues that in lucid dreaming, for the most part, one is exploring “unrealized space” or “space that has not materialized.” Essentially, it is an ethereal space in which the soul can travel with ease. However, what happens when you lucidly dream yourself into a “realized space” existing within a material existence where you inhabit another body and possibly forget your other life? Just as you accept the “dreamer role” without question – you could easily forget that you were only dreaming and in reality you now exist as this new identity within this alternate reality, your old self but a fading dream.
Zeland continues;
“It is a well-known fact that there were sorcerers of antiquity who had perfected the art of dreaming and could intentionally transcend into other worlds forever. Their physical bodies literally disappeared from their own world. These wizards were either very ruthless or knew exactly what they were doing.”
I don’t know if that’s true, I haven’t come across dimension jump wizards (yet) during my research, but since the collective consciousness tends to remember all things – there’s just the fact that Doctor Strange and Doctor Who are designed within the human psyche – I can conclude that at least that must have come from somewhere. Of course, within paradigm shift practice – just accept all data as true and get on with your day.
Now comes the part that inspired me to write all of this;
“Today, tens of thousands of people disappear without a trace every year. Some people believe that some of these people were abducted by aliens. I can’t confirm this theory, however I wonder if some of these missing people are lost in dreams and not returning from a sector of physical reality that they visited in their dream. The soul does not necessarily have to be lucid dreaming in order to fly into a physically manifest sector of the field.”
Can you imagine if that’s true? I mean – it could be…
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