Ganja Theories – Are we living in a maturing society or just the opposite?
A recent poll found that most Americans would have no problem with a politician openly smoking cannabis.
With a total of 58% of Americans saying they would have no problem with a politician smoking cannabis as long as they share similar values. There was greater acceptance among Democratic voters, but even within the Republican camp nearly 50% said they had no objection. This made me wonder, “Is our society maturing?” Can we venture into a new era of humanity where we allow humans to exist without our preconceived notions of how life “should be”?
In this article, we’ll take a look at society and see if we’re actually maturing as a species, or if we’re still behaving like wild animals, albeit with slightly weirder toys. So sit back, light up the cannabis, and let’s take a deeper look at today’s ganja theory – “A Closer Look at a Mature World”.
Drug use is normal
In a mature society we have recognized that the individual is the ultimate authority when it comes to his or her body. This means they have full autonomy to consume whatever they see fit. Of course, within this society it is recognized that the individual is not fully ‘mature’ until around 25 years of age, and so perhaps would raise the legal age limit to 25 years. But a mature society would also know that by banning access for 18-year-olds, they make them more vulnerable to experimentation without understanding – increasing potential risks.
Therefore, this mature society would teach children how to use drugs and consider things like sugar and coffee to be drugs as well. They would evade the fact that humans only develop fully until around age 25, and would therefore strongly recommend people abstain from use until that age limit, but do not make it illegal for anyone over the age of 18 would experiment with any drug they choose. After all, if you can die for your country at that age, you should have all the other freedoms that adulthood brings.
You can legally buy sex…
While virtual reality would take up a large portion, a mature society recognizes that since the individual is ultimately responsible for their own well-being and has full authority over their body, this includes the ability to commodify their body in exchange for money . Prostitution is legal and regulated. Sex workers have rights and they have free medical care. This is because in a mature society we have come to understand that you cannot prevent this, but you can reduce the inherent risk to the sex workers and clientele. In this mature society, buying a blowjob is as easy as buying a coffee.
You can legally kill yourself…
While suicide is prevented at all levels, it is also recognized as your basic human right. The right to opt-out is granted to people who are suffering, especially those with terminal illnesses. However, the right is also extended to those who simply want to get out of life. However, they would have to go through an assessment by a licensed professional who would try to help them resolve their issues before executing their last will.
This allows people to dictate what happens to their material objects and what is good after they are gone. Although it’s a completely pathological practice, the fact that it’s open allows people contemplating suicide to go somewhere they can seek help. If all else fails, they are granted the legal right to end their existence.
Are we getting mature?
The fact that drug perceptions are changing would indicate that we are indeed maturing as a society. But then again, if you just hung around on Twitter for an hour, you would find that there are many people who have absolutely no inclination to mature their thinking.
I personally believe that there is a part of society that is maturing. They learn to evolve their value systems, reassess who we are in a modern world, and change accordingly. Then there are people who revert to a tribal system. They find people who vibrate at the same level of thought as they do and choose to destroy anything that doesn’t fit their model of reality. As a result, there are currently two opposing forces trying to pull humanity in either direction.
As this battle rages on, which side the pendulum swings is anyone’s guess. However, I also believe that the majority of society (on a global scale) is actually moving towards a more mature, accepting and inclusive reality. We can see this in the promotion of same sex rights, women’s rights, the promotion of minority groups and the recognition of individual rights on a mass scale. However, there are still certain elements of humanity that want us to retreat into feudal systems.
This is not a coordinated event, but a consequence of our technology and our philosophy. The world is driven by consumption, or at least was driven by this dominant way of thinking – but people have also opened their eyes to their own actions. Today, concepts such as “Ethical Buying” motivate buyers’ purchasing decisions and consequently change the way companies do business.
Up until the Awakened Movement, companies focused primarily on maximizing profits at all costs. However, consumers are no longer willing to foot the ‘ethics bill’ ‘at any cost’ and as a result, things like renewable energy sources, alternative business opportunities and fair treatment of workers have gained weight over the years. That’s not to say that the same companies are making these changes to maximize profits — but consumer reaction has forced them to change their approach.
So yeah, we’re kind of maturing in society – but these days there’s also a lot of tantrums… and a tantrum is a sign of immaturity.
What do you think? Are we more or less mature than we were 20 years ago?
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