Fuck you corporate America, cannabis will never go away!
A fan letter to cannabis in the same way Bono reads his fan letter to other stars on the U2 Sirus XM channel because, as Bono says, before he was an artist and a star, he was a fan.
dear hemp,
I want to apologize for the last 80 years. You were made illegal only for the purposes of bank robber capitalism and you had no right to go behind bars.
Your return to fame will come quickly, the ban will end soon, and the world will know of your healing powers and mystical effects soon enough.
A very strange thing called the coronavirus came to this earth and we soon found that we couldn’t live without you anymore. The recalls to times of freedom and love sorely lacking in today’s world were embedded in our cells and DNA by our ancestors in the 1960’s. While you have been well cherished and protected by underground cultures all along, you are too powerful to hide and bind by archaic laws and paid politicians.
The world you are now returning to is a strange place.
Generations of young people have rejected corporate America and unrelenting capitalism. With their ghosting, quiet resignations, and no-show jobs, they’ve said fuck you to your corporate job and endless hamster wheel, giving up higher wealth for better health, more family time, and mental stability.
And yes, my friend cannabis, you are a big part of this new awakening.
Fortune’s fake profit, alcohol, lost all its clothes as the tide ran out with COVID. People no longer believe that drowning their sorrows is a good thing. More and more people, young and old, are converting to you and leaving alcohol behind.
Ah cannabis, as one of your chief stewards and keepers of the faith so aptly said, with cannabis “everything will be fine, yes everything will be fine”. Whether it was Marley’s voice, Dylan’s writing, or Tommy and Cheech’s endless laughter, you were well protected all those years by sitting right in front of everyone.
One train and the pent-up knots of fear and worry loosen in our heads. The problems of the moment turn from mountains to hills to no worries at all. You give us back our soul, our humanity and our empathy for everyone else going through this turbulent time.
Wage a war against our will, no thanks. Working 60 hours a week only to be used up and replaced by the next person in line when we finally get out? No thank you. Corporations making billions in profits, sparing the proletariat classes around the world from family time, happiness and the human experience? no thanks more
Without you, so many of us would have given up and lost hope. Hope for a brighter future where we can find forgiveness and empathy for everyone around us who is also going through this god-awful time. Without you, the bottle or the pistol would have destroyed us long ago. What did we have to live for other than slow death to keep our heads above water, 80 hour weeks, 2 jobs, 2 incomes, get up, work all day, eat crap, no time for health, exercise, family or happiness.
This world that we created and in which our fathers and mothers lived seems so alien to us now.
Where was the work-life balance? Did it end up being the smartphone that was always on the beckoning of American companies? Sleep? Too bad. At your son’s baseball game? Too bad. Do you eat with your family? Too bad, pick up.
At some point, in the race for ultimate efficiency, we switched the scales to non-stop work. This led to new medical problems for the patient under the diagnosis of stress, anxiety, OCD, ADD and a host of other acronyms used to explain our newfound behavior.
Why did we even think we had to be so efficient? What happened if you weren’t efficient on a day at the park, lake, or ocean? We reached out to have it all, but instead fell hard from the sun like Icarus. Chasing false profits from extra cars, houses and social media status made us push harder and harder until we ended up broke.
But you were there to comfort us, cannabis. You healed our pain, you put us back to sleep, and you gave us hope that maybe, just maybe, better times are ahead. That we can fix what we broke, undo the wrong moves and habits that we now consider everyday.
We got lost, but you helped us to be found.
We wanted to stop but you told us everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.
Welcome back my old and dear friend, the world needs you.
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