Four Lies on July 4th – Cannabis | weed | marijuana

What are the four lies on July 4th?

For many it is obvious. Washington, DC has no constitutional right to ban cannabis. States have recognized this and legalized it within their borders.

But they still lack access to banking and other benefits of a federal license.

Cannabis is just the tip of the iceberg. So what are the other four lies on July 4th?

Four lies on July 4th

#4 – “No Taxation Without Representation.”

We’ve all heard this July 4th lie before. It’s the standard textbook reason for American independence from Britain.

But this claim is reductionist nonsense. Like people who say raw honey is bad for you because it’s “sugar.”

The American colonists did not believe in legislation without representation. The American colonists believed they had the same right to self-government as the English remaining in Britain.

During the first session of Congress in 1789, the ratio of electors to one congressman was 60,000 to 1. In 2021, the average number of electors represented by one congressman was 761,000.

In addition, the Supreme Court has evolved from being the last arbiter of constitutional issues to becoming a legal activist. They are essentially nine unelected “high priests” who legislate from the bench.

“No taxation without representation” is a July 4th lie. The right term is not legislation without representation. But of course, if Americans knew that, they would recognize that this “long line of abuses and usurpations” justifies civil disobedience.

#3 – “One Nation, Indivisible”

Is there a bigger lie on July 4th than “One nation, indivisible”?

This well-known quote is from the Pledge of Allegiance. The full quote is:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the republic it represents, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Few know that a socialist wrote the oath of allegiance in the 19th century. Later, during the Cold War, it became popular as a propaganda tactic.

But the mere idea of ​​swearing allegiance to an “indivisible” nation goes against everything the Founding Fathers advocated.

The American colonists believed that states made up the federal government. And that states could opt out of the federal government if they so wished.

Ironically, Canada respects principles more than America and has a strong and popular separatist political party in Quebec. Meanwhile, the Alaskan Supreme Court has ruled that any attempt at succession is illegal.

Four lies on July 4th

#2 – Constitutional Flexibility

Lie on July 4th

Constitutional flexibility is just one of many lies on July 4th.

At some point in American history, the idea of ​​a “living, breathing” constitution became fashionable. The idea is that the constitution should change and evolve over time.

But if politicians were to change constitutions at their own discretion, then it wouldn’t really be a constitution, would it?

The founders codified common practice from the (unwritten) British Constitution. It was generally believed that the British Parliament could only legislate in certain areas.

The American founding fathers realized that it would be better to write down these limitations. But, as we’ve learned, writing it down doesn’t change the fact that the state will do as it pleases.

#1 – Cannabis Ban

Lie on July 4th

Of all the lies on July 4th, the notion that legal cannabis is in the hands of an 80-year-old senile president goes against everything that American independence stands for.

Americans who support Biden and celebrate this holiday are just dressing up as Americans.

The 10th Amendment gives states the power to regulate cannabis. The reason for the federal ban is the “trade clause”.

The clause reads: [Congress shall have Power] To regulate trade with foreign nations and between different states and with the Indian tribes;

Beginning in the 20th century, the Supreme Court interpreted the Commerce Clause as giving the federal government complete control of the country.

However, such use of the trade clause is at odds with American independence. It’s a lie on July 4th.

Just one of many.

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