Forget the wake and bake – and 4 other cannabis productivity hacks
I recently had to stop smoking weed about a week ago to attend an ayahuasca ceremony. Although I’m no longer a hardcore stoner, I’ve been smoking cannabis consistently for years. If I were thrown before a judge in a drug court, they would probably say that I have a “marijuana use disorder” or something similar because of my frequency of use, but during that week I realized that “no, I” am not an addict after cannabis ”.
Sure, I enjoy smoking cannabis regularly, but when it came down to quitting for a week, I really had no problem. It did not negatively affect my sleep, mood, or appetite. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones who can consume cannabis without getting addicted.
Photo by Mayara Klingner / EyeEm / Getty Images
However, in my week of abstinence, I discovered a few things related to my own productivity. One thing I continue to do these days has helped me achieve a lot more in my daily activities.
Today I’m going to share a few productivity hacks for the prolific cannabis users out there.
Although I don’t smoke a lot of weed these days – at least compared to before – the wake-n-bake has been a staple for me for many years. I enjoy waking up in the morning, having a coffee, meditating, and maybe doing some breathing exercises before recording. Sure, that’s not technically a wake-n-bake, but considering I wake up at 5:30 a.m. every day, I wake up at 6:30 a.m.
Recently, however, my need for morning puffs has diminished due to the breath work and meditation, and with the recent foray into ayhuasca ceremony, I have been able to reassess my relationship with cannabis.
RELATED: Is Marijuana Addicting? Let’s discuss
In the week leading up to the ceremony, I was asked to avoid several things – one of which was smoking marijuana. As already mentioned, this did not cause me any major complaints. It was simply a decision, “okay, don’t smoke weed” and my body and mind followed suit.
As I focused on the ceremony over the weekend, I realized that there were still a lot of things “outstanding” that needed to be completed, and since I was the “sober” version of myself, I got around to it.
All week long, I felt more productive – maybe a little more stressed, but more productive overall.
RELATED: How to Wake Up and Bake Successfully
When I came back after the ceremony, I decided to only smoke cannabis at night. I wouldn’t use marijuana anymore [at least for the week] hoping to repeat the productivity of the week before.
Photo by Lua Valentia via Unsplash
After a few days, I enjoyed the evening train much more than the morning train. I realized that this behavior change enabled me to achieve optimal levels of performance while reaping the benefits of cannabis use.
This is a win!
Here are a few tips I want to share with anyone interested in increasing their productivity while maintaining a regular cannabis habit.
Avoid Wake N Bake
The name of the title and the inspiration behind this piece work wonders. Cannabis relaxes you, and sometimes you don’t need to be relaxed. Sometimes you need a little stress to motivate yourself. You manage the stress at the end of the day.
Your prize money
At the end of the day, when you are done with all the hustle and bustle, it’s best to reach for a premium tooke. You can feel how all the stress melts away, your head clears and you can concentrate on other things for a moment.
Photo by Shane Cotee / EyeEm / Getty Images
Plan your day the evening before
While it has nothing to do with cannabis, it helps you get a rough idea of your next day in order to stay on track.
If you have to smoke, use it carefully
Some people, like my wife, use cannabis for medicinal purposes. If you need to consume cannabis to relieve some symptoms, this is the productivity booster right there. In my case, I don’t have chronic pain or fear or stress. I use cannabis as a stimulant to change my perspective and develop an infinite amount of content pouring out of my brain. I use it to help myself write new music or literature. However, if you are using it for medicinal purposes and it is suppressing a symptom of discomfort, then only consume it until the symptom subsides and move on with your day.
Photo by Grav via Unsplash
Make a list, cross out tasks
You should have a small notepad handy. There is something about physically crossing out tasks that just gives an added sense of “achievement”. Of course, most people have a phone and that works too, but the little notepad is a personal touch that helps me stay a little more up to date. When you want to use your phone, a task manager is a great way to keep track and optimize your time.
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Cannabis can be daunting in terms of productivity. We have to be honest about that. If you do a bong rip every morning, you won’t be 100% as productive as you could be. That might be fine, maybe productivity isn’t your main concern. If that’s the case, I’m not someone telling you not to chill out the way you do.
However, if you smoke cannabis and want to be a little more productive, I recommend trying one of the things I mentioned. The worst that can happen is nothing. The best that can happen is that you become more productive.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and was republished with permission.
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