Foot Pain – Maybe CBD Can Help
It’s only when our feet start to hurt and suffer that we appreciate how much we use them. We have our feet to thank for walking around the sentence. Up to 87 percent of people will experience foot pain for a variety of reasons at some point in their lives. A third of older adults experience foot pain, stiffness or aching feet. Many of these problems are due to ill-fitting shoes.
Sufferers try soaking their feet, massage, arch supports, pain relievers, and many other ways to relieve the pain, but have you considered using CBD? It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve some pain in the feet.
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General discomfort and pain
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner, which usually means more time outdoors. Exercising, hiking, cucumber ball and long walks on different surfaces means more activity and potentially more general foot pain. Research promises that CBD oil can reduce inflammation and have effects similar to taking painkillers—but without the side effects. The results can of course be different for everyone. If you have foot pain that doesn’t go away after a few days or weeks, you should see your doctor.
Symptoms of arthritis pain in your feet can include stiffness, tenderness, soreness, swelling, and even limited mobility. Studies have shown that CBD oil can help with many of these symptoms. In fact, researchers say CBD oil is effective for treating pain and inflammation caused by arthritis without any side effects. More human studies are needed, but if you suffer from arthritis pain, CBD could be the answer you’ve been waiting for.
high heels
You know your favorite pair of heels or other shoes that you just can’t be without but they kill your feet every time you wear them? CBD balm can come to the rescue. Rub it on before you slip into your shoes and your feet will stay comfortable all night. (And wear more clothes when you get home to reduce inflammation.) Want proof? Celebs swear by it, because that’s when they wear stiletto heels on the red carpet – and some of them wear insanely high heels.
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An ugly subject no one wants to talk about: blisters. But they happen! (Especially if you’re a long-distance runner or if you get new shoes that don’t quite fit right.) CBD oil is packed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may help. To treat one, make sure you clean your bladder first. Then use a cotton pad soaked with CBD oil and dab it on the affected area. Do this a few times a day and your blister may heal faster than usual.
DURING warm weather, sandals, barefoot walking, and outdoor activities… it’s a good idea to keep an idea in mind and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to taking care of your feet.
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