Female, vegetarian and what? Little known facts about marijuana

As marijuana continues to grow in popularity, more and more mainstream companies are getting involved in research and disclosure of the plant’s beneficial properties. From Estée Lauder to Molson Coors, major companies bring cannabis directly to the consumer. And from South Africa to Italy to Minnesota, recreational use is legal.

Like most things older than 2,500 years, it has a history AND contains scraps of knowledge unknown to the general public. Until recently, research focused on the harm the plant could do, but now there are increasing efforts to find out what benefits it can bring.

Photos by Danielle Guercio

Marijuana goes by many names. Weed, Pot, Mary Jane are just a few of them. One unique name that has become the go-to cannabis emoji is broccoli. So if you’ve seen the emoji, you’ll know it’s more than just a basic vegetable.

Other unique names are Houdini because the user “escapes” from reality. Da kine is Hawaiian surf slang, which can refer to anything you forget the exact name of. And a bag of bones means several marijuana cigarettes

Female marijuana plants produce the potent levels of THC through the buds. Guy plants only produce small amounts of THC and do not produce bud. The bud contains high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis responsible for the effects of a “high”.

Marijuana growers want to remove male plants from the growing area before they start flowering and releasing pollen. Once a marijuana plant starts producing male flowers, it can pollinate and ruin all of the female flowers in the growing area, causing them all to start blooming prematurely. It sounds like a complicated plot from Sex in The City.

RELATED: Science says medical marijuana improves quality of life

While many countries have legalized marijuana and many promises have been made to grow businesses, which countries are growing the most? Canada, the legal trendsetter, set the stage for “new” or “big” cannabis. They’re home to companies like Tilray and others that claimed they would make anyone rich growing indoors, but they only rank 8th in global production. Because of their climate, they have a smaller black market and shorter growing season. The third production location is sunny Afghanistan. The largest and fastest source of income in the country is opium. The poppy and cannabis trade have a greater impact on Afghan civilians than wheat growing and livestock trading.

Photo by Francesco Carta, Photographer/Getty Images

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Second Place has been growing cannabis for centuries and legalized medical, cosmetic, and industrial marijuana in 2021. Morocco was the former largest producer but has been ousted by the new champion.

The black market is thriving in the United States, which has a long agricultural history in the southern and midwestern United States. You are the new reigning champion. New indoor growing areas and extensive outdoor production are helping to meet domestic needs in the 23 fully legal marijuana states and 40 medical marijuana states.

the more you know

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