FDA reluctance to approve medical cannabis vs. approval of messenger RNA vaccines
The FDA can give “emergency approvals” to vaccines, but it took more than 50 years to admit that cannabis has medicinal properties.
If you can say one thing about the avid cannabis smoker is that he loves his conspiracies. Now let me clarify something about conspiracies – they happen.
There’s this idea that if you’re a “conspiracy theorist” you’re some kind of crazy job, but I think it was Eric Weinstein who said it best on Lex Fridman’s podcast, “No, I don’t believe you … I don’t think that after COINTELPRO, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, um … I don’t even know whether to address REX84. Not to believe in conspiracies is an idiocy. “
Photo by LPETET / Getty Images
However, with all conspiracies, some are more difficult to prove and others might just be fictional works or counter-propaganda. After all: “The Russians want to get you!”
Cannabis users who know about the origins of the cannabis ban are also aware of the great Anslinger-Hearst-DuPont conspiracy to tarnish the reputation of cannabis. This was recently reported in a 2020 study published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research on the effects of racism on cannabis research:
“Even if we put economic interests aside, Hearst and Mellon were at the center of a vicious anti-Tanban campaign based on racism, sensationalism and social control of racial minorities. Racism and sensationalism are strong allegations, but consider the roles of Hearst, Mellon and Harry Anslinger. “
RELATED: What Does the FDA Really Think About Medical Marijuana?
And later, one more comment on the 1971 war on drugs conspiracy, in which Nixon put cannabis on the CSA because he wanted to be legally able to harass anti-war protesters and African Americans under the guise of drugs:
John Erlichman, a senior adviser to Nixon, was later quoted as saying, “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be against war or against black, but by getting the public to talk about hippies with marijuana and associating blacks with heroin, and then grossly criminalizing both of them, we could disrupt these communities. We could arrest their leaders, search their homes, break off their meetings, and denigrate them on the evening news night after night. Did we know we lied about the drugs? Of course we did. “
The cannabis rabbit hole is deep, and if you ever decide to really uncover the truth behind the illegality of weed, you’ll be open to the idea that “conspiracies do exist!”
Which brings us to a Reddit post I stumbled upon while doing research on weed. The title read: “So that the FDA can approve the vaccine, not cannabis”
It seemed that more than a thousand people agreed and soon the conversation began.
Booyatribe funk said, “The FDA has managed to lose its credibility. It’s like going to IGN for an honest gaming review. “
However, it’s important to understand that the FDA is just one component and that the vaccine approval process is completely different from working with drugs on Schedule I.
Photo by Larisa Shpineva / EyeEm / Getty Images
That’s not to say the FDA is not kidding.
They have notoriously approved many drugs that were later recalled because of numerous adverse health effects. And let’s not forget where most of the money comes from – Big Pharma. But for some reason, people still trust an organization that “may” have good intentions but is most likely to live up to the whims of big pharma.
After all, the pharmaceutical industry spent $ 3.48 billion on lobbying in 2020. Some interesting facts are:
- In 2020 there were 1,502 pharmaceutical lobbyists, 63.58% of whom were former government employees.
- The Wellcome Trust is a leading global health research funder and has been a major player in the COVID-19 pandemic, despite investing heavily in companies providing COVID-19 treatments.
So if you’ve invested billions of dollars in vaccine revenues, you can ask your good old man; Friends at the FDA to get all kinds of drugs approved. However, while the cannabis industry saw a surge in lobbying activity, it pales in comparison to that of pharmaceuticals. The cannabis industry has a few million dollars and may have had some support from big tech, but it still doesn’t affect big pharma’s purchasing power.
RELATED: FDA Rejects CBD As A Dietary Supplement – Are They Right Or Wrong?
The main question remains, “Is this a conspiracy to rob you of your rights or is it making an absurd amount of money?”
Some of the cannabis users are more inclined to the idea of ”taking away your rights,” as Reddit user DKinives put it:
“But you don’t just attack rights. They attack our jobs and livelihoods. In a world where labor is already scarce, it will soon be very difficult to provide for your family if you are not vaccinated. And they think it’s legal, logical, and perfectly fine. I’m scared for the future of our country, just like I was when Trump was in office … The joys of being a moderate. The land is going to hell and there is nothing you can do about it. “
Others, however, believed that the reason it is still not “approved” is because pharmaceuticals and large corporations need to get their hands on it first;
Reddit user Princetacotuesday said this:
I read about it. Basically, some scientists are trying to document various grass genomes and make them public so that big corporations can’t patent them and own 100% rights to them. It’s a smart way to fight them and definitely contributes to why it’s not legal everywhere yet.
IDK why these A ** HOLE companies don’t just give up and just start growing and selling it. No, they must have 100% full rights to it as lawsuits against other people / companies are part of their money making plan.
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Money and power. These are the two root causes of all great conspiracies. At a time when the mere mention of the word “conspiracy” can make you feel ostracized and belittled, the truth of the matter is that “private interests” meet in “private meetings” and do “private deals” . When you have an industry that pays billions of dollars to the government for legal favors, ignoring the possibility of conspiracy is actually detrimental to your well-being.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and was republished with permission.
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