Factors That Affect Your Cannabis High

Getting high is a simple process, but one that can be influenced by many different factors. A lot has been said about cannabis and how little is known about the plant. One of the most interesting aspects of consumption is that the effects can vary greatly depending on the consumer. Some people love the effect, others claim it makes them paranoid and anxious.

Cannabis leads to very personal and introspective experiences and affects users differently. However, there are some external factors that can affect your body’s response to the drug. Here are 5 factors you can play with to better control your marijuana high.


Photo by Tree of Life Seeds via Pexels

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The most influential factor on this list is the way you consume cannabis. Eating an edible, smoking a joint, or taking a hit from a bong result in very different highs. For example, edibles take longer to take effect but produce a much stronger and longer-lasting high than joints or bongs. A hit from a bong can be significantly more difficult for inexperienced users to master than a hit from a joint. Learn the different ways to consume cannabis and proceed with caution if it’s your first time.


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The dosage is also very important. A wrong answer can either put you to sleep or create a truly anxious state of mind. When you try a new strain, consume an edible, or dab, the dose you choose can make or break your high. Do your research and always start slowly. Here is an important THC dosage guide for marijuana beginners.


How to detect free weed at a partyPhoto courtesy of Cannaclusive/Flickr

How well you adapt to the plant depends on how much experience you have with the plant. Tolerance is individual, it varies from user to user and makes it likely that you and a friend will have different dosage levels even if you have a similar body type and level of experience with the plant. The more you consume cannabis, the better you will get a sense of your tolerance level.


Photo by Colton Duke via Unsplash

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Attitude is crucial with marijuana and determines how the high will reach you. Being in a crowded or empty room can result in different highs, with more of a party vibe in the former scenario and a couch-like high in the latter. If you are a beginner, the best way to consume marijuana is to do so in a place where you feel safe, with friends you trust.


Mix marijuanaPhoto by MStudioImages/Getty Images

THC and CBD-focused strains produce different effects – one contains psychedelics (THC) and the other leaves you relaxed and likely unable to do anything more than sit on the couch. Do your research and try different types. Stick with the one you like best and the one that suits your body type better. Here’s what you should know about vaping CBD.

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