Everything you need to know about the Hitoki Trident ‘Laserbong’
The legalization of recreational activities has advanced more than the science of cultivation; Breakthroughs in canna technology are ubiquitous even in this pervaded era of enlightenment. Vaporizers that were once relegated to tabletops are now hand-held, the gravity bong has become a prestige consumer device, and Hitoki, a novel manufacturer of cutting-edge smoking technology, has made an all-inclusive water pipe that emits a real laser beam used as a heat source.
The Hitoki Trident, or “Laserbong” as it is colloquially known, is a compact, three-part column that houses a small water chamber, a chamber for plant material, and the machinery of a pinpoint laser beam designed to ignite cannabis – an unusual observation.
Its premium price ($ 499.99) may be exclusive, but this device is less about function than fashion. Its appeal is that it shoots weeds with a laser to set them on fire, no matter how efficiently the laser burns.
Here is everything you need to know about the Hitoki Trident.
What is the Hitoki Trident?
The Hitoki Trident is a slim, columnar water pipe that is roughly the size and shape of a Pringles can. When activated, it uses laser beam technology to burn cannabis in one encompassing unit. The E-Rig-inspired system is designed to eliminate the use of butane lighters in favor of a heat release system that Hitoki describes as “similar to a magnifying glass under the sun.”
The Hitoki Trident is unique in its construction; it ignites at the push of a button, its standard mouthpiece is a shisha hose, its delicate ceramic chamber holds less than a gram of ground flower and its water chamber works with just a few tablespoons of water. It’s easy enough to pass through a smoke circle but tough enough for stationary status. It also has the dynamic feel of a device that isn’t necessarily designed for everyday use, but rather as a conversation piece for deep pickpockets with already sizeable device collections.
How does the Hitoki Trident work?
The slim, cylindrical frame of the Trident is divided into three different chambers. In the uppermost chamber are the mechanics of the laser and the power button of the machine, animated by an LED light. The visible, glazed central chamber contains the ceramic bowl, the smoke inlet and the bubbler handle. The water chamber is located at the foot of the device.
These three chambers can be easily detached from each other and put back together efficiently after adding the flower and water.
To begin you need to unscrew the three chambers, fill the water chamber, fill the ceramic bowl and reassemble the device before turning it on. Then tap the power button five times in quick succession to activate the device.
Once activated, you can press and hold the power button to trigger a light blue filament of light, or double-click the power button to activate a continuous nine-second laser stream. As soon as the laser light penetrates the plant material, you should see smoke rising through the viewing windows in the central chamber. Lastly, pull out of the mouthpiece of the hookah hose while puffing gently to create smoke.
The bright blue laser is the main attraction here. Through the tinted glass of the central chamber, you can watch the ultramarine light drip from its source, illuminating the chamber with a new bohemian nod to lava lamps, sci-fi ray cannons or laser light shows in the local planetarium. To that end, while the gimmick is not very efficient (the laser burns rather than burns), it is still intriguing.
Change temperature
You can navigate the Hitoki Trident’s heating modes by briefly pressing the power button three times while the device is activated. Each heating mode is indicated by color:
- Blue: highest heating level – ideal for herbal mixtures enriched with essential oils
- Green: medium heat setting – ideal for freshly ground herbs
- Red: lowest heat setting – ideal for freshly ground herbs
Hitoki recommends the medium heat setting to start with and then select your preferred temperature from there.
Charging the Hitoki Trident
The Hitoki Trident comes with a USB-C power cable and a wall charger. As soon as the cable is connected, the charging process is indicated by a solid red light emitted from the Hitoki’s power button.
As soon as the device is fully charged, the operating indicator changes from red to blue. It takes approximately an hour and 45 minutes to fully charge a fully discharged device, and the device should ideally deliver over 280 hits on a full charge.
How to clean the Hitoki Trident
The Hitoki Trident should be pulled apart after each bowl and is therefore incredibly easy to keep clean. The small acrylic water container only needs to be rinsed after each session, and the ceramic bowl jumps cleanly out of the center of the housing to be pierced, wiped or soaked separately from the rest of the mechanism of the device.
The upper part of the device, which contains the laser, is just as easy to care for. After unscrewing the bottom of the top of the Trident, you can clearly see the lens from which the laser is emanating. This lens should be wiped with isopropyl alcohol after each full session to avoid the build-up of dirt that can affect the laser’s effectiveness.
In case you are afraid of the raw laser cleaning, magnets at the contact points along the body of the Trident prevent the laser from being activated under circumstances other than bong smoking, so cleaning despite the rays is a safe process.
What’s the attraction?
The most compelling argument for the Hitoki Trident is that its lasers eliminate butane, but it is an exaggeration to say that the Trident’s laser is as efficient as burning cannabis with real fire.
This particular device does a great light show and would be a fun party gimmick, but for anyone looking for a simple hookah that delivers consistent, no-frills lungs full of strong smoke, this product may not meet your analog bong needs. This means that if your smoking device needs are already well met, but your impressive collection lacks a real laser bong and your smoking accessories budget is absolutely spilling over, this device is the perfect novelty for you.
Photos courtesy of Hitoki
Check out the Hitoki Trident on hitoki.com.
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