Enjoy cannabis alone | LOOKAH
The Best Ways to Enjoy Cannabis Alone
We all love hanging out with friends, passing around a joint and relaxing, but you should also think about the fun of a solo smoke session. It can be a great way to relax and recharge after a busy day when you're tired or don't feel like socializing or chatting with friends.
Just by smoking a doobie you get to know yourself better. It can be a time for reflection, getting lost in thought, practicing self-care, or simply relaxing without a care in the world.
We've put together this list of some top suggestions for enjoying some “me time” while getting high alone.
Enjoy the nature.
Let’s face it – in today’s digital world, we could all use a break from technology and some contact with Mother Nature. What could be nicer than enjoying a herbal smoke in the great outdoors?
Whether you're looking up at the sky, watching the clouds roll by, listening to the sound of the waves on the beach, or getting your hands dirty in the garden, cannabis can help you participate in these little moments and feel more connected to the world around you. You'll likely feel refreshed and have a different perspective on life.
It's best to go to a place you already know. Getting lost in the woods while stoned can cause panic or fear that ruins your fun.
Even though there is nature outside, we should not forget our human nature.
Getting high and getting in touch with your body is another way to enjoy cannabis alone.
This is well documented Cannabis can be used as an aphrodisiacWhether consumed with a partner or for self-love, cannabis can heighten sensations and intensify pleasure.
An indica strain that produces a good body high can work well with the endorphins released during masturbation. Taking the time to explore your body and find what feels good can be a fulfilling journey.
For people who may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable with their sexuality, marijuana offers a way to relieve and forget about performance anxiety. Not to mention, it's just plain fun.
Immerse yourself in a hobby or DIY project
There are many great cannabis strains that will inspire creativity and help you find your favorite hobby.
Enjoy some weed and maybe it will lead you to an inspired creation.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Just enjoy the process of making something.
There are many ways to let your craft creativity run wild.
You can buy some beads and threads to make handmade jewelry. Make seasonal ornaments out of construction paper, make a wreath for next holiday season, or make a heartfelt gift with embroidery.
Buying some flowers from the local market and making your own arrangements is an adventure.
Knitting gloves, modeling, making tie-dye clothing, or scrapbooking are all good options.
Whatever hobby or craft you choose, you can relax to the fullest as you develop and explain new ideas and techniques for a fun and creative experience.
Write in your diary
Getting high has a way of catalyzing introspection. It's an excellent tool for reflecting on our feelings and thoughts.
Journaling is an outlet for this introspection and allows us to channel the energy and reach deep into our subconscious.
Writing in a journal, when combined with marijuana, can have a positive impact on our mental health. It can allow us to recognize insights that we miss in our daily lives and is like our own self-psychoanalysis and therapy session.
Enjoy art and color
Try a nice, uplifting strain and you'll find the colors appear brighter and more vibrant. It's no surprise that many of the world's biggest artists are experimenting with drugs like cannabis.
Being high is the perfect time to immerse yourself in the world of color. Whether you apply it with a brush to the canvas or use colored pencils or pens, the medium doesn't matter.
You can get in touch with your inner child and express joy, happiness and positivity in colorful expressions. You can even visit a gallery or museum to experience other interpretations of colors through art.
listen to music
One of the timeless combinations that every stoner enjoys is cannabis and music. There is something that comes alive in music when experienced while high. The notes might stand out more clearly, the lyrics might resonate more, or our focus and attention might be more aligned with that of the musicians.
Sitting back and listening to your favorite album while enjoying a smoke session is one of the most relaxing ways to enjoy your high. Additionally, no one will criticize your music choices or complain about out-of-tune vocals when you smoke alone. Before you know it, you'll lose yourself in the music, tap your feet to the beat and float away into space. Maybe you'll be inspired to start learning a new instrument.
Cannabis was initially used as medicine. In addition to treating symptoms, cannabis was also used for meditative purposes.
Charas is a variant of hashish that has been used in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years. It is smoked as part of religious rituals to help people worship their God by engaging in deep meditation.
Meditation can help us understand our true feelings, find out the truth about our thoughts, clear emotional blocks and improve our health.
Therefore, it's no surprise today that many people are consuming cannabis to enjoy the same benefits. When choosing a strain for meditation, you want something that will produce a relaxed high. While sativa-dominant strains can produce a good head high, the stimulating effects can make it difficult to relax. Indicas like Hindu Kush or Northern Lights can help provide a calmer effect so you can enjoy and enhance your meditation.
Look forward to a new show
Sometimes we want to relax in a comfortable chair, get drunk and watch an entire season of a TV show in one evening.
Whether it's a historical drama, a hilarious comedy or a scary thriller. Filling up a pipe or rolling a nice thick joint while enjoying some of your favorite TV strains can be a wonderful way to enjoy the high. Remember to make popcorn or stock up on snacks beforehand.
For many people, cooking is a therapeutic activity or one that offers the opportunity for creative culinary experimentation.
No matter which category you fall into, your efforts will be rewarded with delicious food.
Put on some music, vape some cannabis oil, and let inspiration guide you in the kitchen as you whip up some delicious dishes. Who knows, you might even invent a new favorite dish while getting inspired by some cannabis creativity. At the very least, you'll have a tasty treat to enjoy while high.
Exercise helps increase the production of endorphins in your body, which gives your brain a feel-good factor.
This is sometimes referred to as a “runner's high,” but the effects can occur with any intense physical activity.
Getting stoned and exercising can help enhance this high, as the cannabinoids from marijuana help amplify the cannabinoids from the body's endocannabinoid system, thereby enhancing the feeling of euphoria produced by exercise.
You don't have to go to the gym to exercise. You can workout at home or go jogging and combine this with the feeling of being in nature. There are many solo exercises that you can enjoy while you're high.
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