Elon Musk makes 5 predictions about the legalization of drugs, cryptocurrency and robots

Elon Musk was once again the protagonist of the just concluded Code Conference. The annual event is a technology-driven conference held in California.

Musk gives his well-researched speech each year, which focuses on prominent topics from around the world. This year, prominent visionary and transformation leader Musk took the stage again to reveal the future for five very important global issues.

He looked at the future of cryptocurrencies, energy crises, internet access and psychotropic drugs. As he made his predictions on these issues, he tried to break down and explain what he believed would be the correct solution for each conceptual problem listed.

Elon Musk is a billionaire entrepreneur who has historically been rated the richest man in the world by business columns. Musk has been an influential person in the tech industry for quite a while. At the beginning of the year he single-handedly raised Dogecoin’s market capital with a few tweets. This has shown society that just one statement from Musk can either go up or down.

Musk’s incredibly grand and intricate plans have made very rich several Americans and non-Americans who believed him from the start.

Musk’s predictions

Since using his platform for these types of projections, many of his speeches have come to fruition, and in a few instances have we observed the opposite of what he had predicted.

The founder of SpaceX and Tesla loves to talk about his plans in the tech industry that are in the works and how apt they will be when they are released. With everything he has achieved and has yet to achieve, Musk will always have a platform and it is up to the viewers to join his beliefs or watch.

Here are Elon Musk’s new predictions of much-needed innovations and how they will fit into the world in a few years.


The billionaire expressed his dislike for the way many of the central banks of the world’s strongest economies are trying to criminalize the use of cryptocurrencies. These big banks have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the issue and determined that they do not want a decentralized currency system.

It is impossible to control or even stop crypto, the highest that can happen is that these banks would slow down the progress of e-currencies. Musk pointed out that cryptocurrencies exist to reduce existing flaws in the current financial system. It will also decrease the latency observed by customers of traditional banking institutions.

The Tesla founder believes cryptocurrencies are the only way to end the control banks and governments have over financial systems around the world. According to him, it is better and more efficient if the monetary system is controlled by unbreakable algorithms.

On Twitter (which Musk uses more often), he’s an ardent proponent of cryptocurrency. He uses his account to advise and predict the coins he believes have prospects.

Psychotropic drugs

Thanks to a generational change, the full decriminalization and legalization of some banned substances seems imminent. Musk said the laws need to be changed to suit the new era and introduce a new legal market.

Gradually, people are accepting and receiving psychiatric drugs as a therapeutic drug that does more good than harm. On this issue, Musk admitted there was a risk of addiction. He suggested that psychiatric drug legalization will have more of an impact than the senseless war on drugs that has been waged for decades. Consumers are not attacked by a regulated system.

In 2018, Musk showed his love of psychiatric drugs by smoking a piece of cannabis during an interview. Mixed reactions from the public followed.

Internet connection with Starlink

Starlink is a communications satellite network developed by Elon Musk. With the necessary equipment, it will provide Internet services to anyone at a subsidized price. Where available, the monthly subscription costs less than $ 100.

At the code conference, Musk reassured the audience about the enormous potential of his satellite network, which is being used to provide Internet services. He says Starlink was designed to better serve those who have been underserved. The brand will mainly focus on developing countries.

He added that the system could be up and running before the start of the new year.


Elon Musk announced that the energy problem is now a reality and expects it to get worse in the years to come.

The existing protocol in the energy industry is out of date and should be discarded for something new. According to Musk, the current source of energy would not be sufficient to meet the growing demand in the years to come.

As strange as that sounds, Elon doesn’t believe that a source of electrical energy could be the solution to this problem. He said electricity demand could at least double what we currently have if everyone switches to electric mobility.

The entrepreneur is deeply concerned about the impending climate change and believes that the next great source of energy must be environmentally sustainable. Solar energy production is the only thing that fits at the moment.


These are smarter and interconnected human-like machines whose arrival is no longer inevitable. Musk says his company’s robot called “Humanoid” is already in development. The two-legged machine will look more like a Tesla, but this time it has legs.

The Tesla CEO shared the details of his Teslabot at the AI ​​day event. The possible launch date of the product is planned for 2022. He added that he would do his best to prevent a future like that of the Terminator films.

Final note

At the end of his presentation, Musk said that with or without Tesla, most of these predictions will come true. He added that Tesla is in a better position to keep the public safe and educated on these issues. We can’t wait to see how it all turns out!







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