Edible Cannabis Products | Fifth Ave Green House

What to expect from edible cannabis products

If you're not familiar with cannabis edibles, here's how to consume them and what to expect.

Marijuana has become almost mainstream, with about 88% of the population supporting legalization. Originally, homemade snacks like cookies and brownies were edible, but in the new world of legal entertainment, there is high-quality chocolate, gummy bears, all kinds of candy, and even cannabis-infused beverages.

Anyone of legal age who lives in one of the 23 states where marijuana is legal for recreational use can walk into a store and buy edibles just as easily as beer.

Science shows that marijuana is healthier than alcohol, offers medicinal benefits, and unlike alcohol, does not lead to fights or drunken arguments.

While alcohol consumption declines and marijuana use increases, a new generation is turning to a different pastime.

If you are new or unfamiliar with cannabis edibles, here are some tips on how to consume them and what to expect.

The first and most important piece of advice is to start with a small amount and work your way up slowly.

Understand the dose

Foods purchased from dispensaries or stores should be labeled with the dosage of each item or serving. Most contain about 10 milligrams per item. The dose for recreational users should be between 5 and 10 mg to achieve a pleasant high feeling. Only experienced marijuana users and medical marijuana patients are advised to start taking doses above 15 mg. Typically, people eat a portion of the food (2.5 to 5 mg) first to observe the reaction. For homemade foods like classic cannabis brownies, you need to check how much cannabis oil/butter was added to determine the dosage. You should proceed with caution to avoid overdoing it and having a bad experience.

What does it do?

When you eat an edible, it's the cannabinoids/THC that get you high. This is similar to the ethanol in alcohol. Unlike joints, vapes, or oils that go straight into the bloodstream, edibles go first to the stomach, then to the liver, and then to the bloodstream and brain. THC works best with fats (like chocolate), which aid its activation in the body.

Timing is everything

Because of the method of consumption, edibles take an average of 45 minutes to an hour to take effect when consumed on an empty stomach. If eaten with a main meal, it can take up to three hours. If you don't feel anything within 1.5 hours, you can take a little more, knowing that once you get to it, the high will continue. You shouldn't keep consuming, as this can cause you to get way too high, leading to anxiety or a panic attack. The high will peak after about two to four hours. You can eat more to maintain the high. As you become more comfortable with its use and how your body responds, you can control the length and effectiveness of your trip.

What will happen

As portrayed in many classic movies about cannabis culture, every person reacts differently, from relaxation to drowsiness to curiosity about the beauty of the world. The type of cannabinoids you consume can have different effects. Foods higher in THC generally have a stronger intoxicating or psychoactive effect. Foods higher in CBD have a more calming effect and actually relax you and help you reduce anxiety.

Remember that no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose and you can still go to sleep if you experience a bad reaction.

Learn to enjoy

When you start consuming edibles, first find a comfortable atmosphere and don't think about it too much. Relax and enjoy the trip. Make sure you have water and snacks on hand. Create the right atmosphere with soft lighting and calming music.

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