Dry or oil vaporizers – which is better for your money?

Vaping cannabis has quickly become the consumption method of choice for many.

Also known as vaping, it’s easy to see why people like it compared to smoking. Both vaporizers are:

Discreet and Portable: Vape pens are discreet compared to using bowls or even a joint. The smoke produced is minimal and smaller, allowing people to vape even indoors without worrying about the smell. The exception here are desktop vaporizers, which are intended to be used as their name sounds: on desks or tables.

Rechargeable: With the exception of disposable vape pens, other vaporizers are rechargeable. This is beneficial for heavy users who want to be sure they never run out of juice when they need it.

Easy to Use: Vape pens are designed to be easy to use. Some may be more complex in design, but after a few tries, you can easily learn how to use them. There are also some models on the market that have more options to learn such as B. the temperature control, although they are still fairly easy to learn. Meanwhile, others simply have to click a button a few times to smoke, while some turn off automatically to save battery.

Smooth Smoking Experience: Many enjoy using vapes because they offer a smoother smoke compared to the harsh experience of burning cannabis flower when smoking a bowl, joint or bong.

Temperature Control: Consumers who want more control over their smoking experience can opt for devices with temperature control. It helps to adjust the temperature or wattage settings so you can customize it to suit your own vaping style.

puff of smoke

Vaping results in smaller, thinner clouds of smoke, while bongs or joints result in massive clouds of smoke. This is another reason vaporizers are more discreet. If you’re used to bongs and joints, it may take a few hits before you get the same high as a bong, but all the other benefits just outweigh it.


Most of the terpenes are preserved when vaping cannabis, which is why it offers a more pleasant and delicious smoking experience. Terpenes are aromatic compounds in plants that are responsible for flavor and aroma; They tend to get burned off when you smoke herbs the traditional way.


With all of these benefits, it’s clear that vaping is just a really easy way to enjoy your medicine. Whether you need to crank up a cartridge first or grind up a flower, vaping eliminates the sometimes messy joint rolling, glass bong cleaning, and more. Just buy the device and form of cannabis you need and enjoy!

Portable vapes can be divided into dry and oil vaporizers. When looking for your first vaporizer you will come across these two, so it’s good to know the differences between the two.

Differences between dry and oil vaporizers

Heating chamber / vape cartridge

The heating chamber of dry herb vaporizers can only hold ground cannabis flower, while the oil concentrate cartridge can only hold oil. However, you may also find that there are some devices that are designed for versatility as there are vaporizers that can be used with oil, herbs and wax.

Furthermore, oil vape cartridges are usually meant to be replaced and swapped out (with the exception of disposable pens which are designed for one-time use only), while dry herb vapes’ chambers can be used for many years. Always make sure to use the right form of cannabis for the vaporizer.

loading process

Both oil and dry herb vapes have different chambers or cartridge loading. To vaporize oil, consumers can buy pre-filled cartridges or refill them themselves. With herbal vapes, the cannabis flower needs to be ground up and then added to the chamber.


Dry herb vaporizers require a lot more power compared to heating oil (or wax). Because of this, herbal vaporizers tend to have larger batteries and are bulkier, making them less portable for many. And since dry herb uses so much more energy faster, they need to be charged more than oil vape batteries.


While vapes are generally low maintenance, it is important to occasionally clean the mouthpiece as well as the filter screen on dry herb vapes. Burning too much bud at once can leave a lot of buildup and residue that should be removed before the next smoke, otherwise you risk inhaling all those contaminants into your airways.

On the other hand, oil vape cartridges don’t require the same type of maintenance as you simply replace it once the oil runs out. When using refillable cartridges it is important to clean the mouthpiece from time to time.

Other things to consider

If you end up buying a dry herb vaporizer, it would also be wise to invest in a good grinder so that your buds are evenly ground. Filter screens should be cleaned or even changed regularly to maximize airflow and a smooth vaping experience. And when using a dry herb vape for the first time, always start with the lowest heat setting and then gradually work your way up.

When using oil vapes, also start with the lowest heat setting until you get used to it. Purchase trolleys that are rated for the device or battery, and store the pen upright when not in use to prevent the oil from spilling.


Now that you know the similarities and differences between both vaporizers, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing the right vaporizer for you. Every cannabis vaper has their own personal preferences, although it may take some time to discover which one is perfect for you.




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