Dosage of CBD Capsules: How Much Should You Take?
CBD capsules are one of the most popular ways to take CBD. They are a clean, efficient, and familiar method of administration. Unfortunately, there is a lack of understanding of how much each individual should take.
There are two reasons for the confusion. First, we don’t have enough research on CBD. While we have recently seen an influx of human studies using CBD, we are far from where we need to be to fully understand the amount of CBD that is required for any given condition. Second, we metabolize CBD differently. An amount can work for one person but not for another.
Photo by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash
What are CBD capsules?
A capsule is a gelatin container that prevents CBD from escaping in pill form. The CBD powder is in the tablet, which is easily swallowed and absorbed by the stomach.
CBD capsules are another popular form of CBD delivery. Instead of a capsule, the CBD oil is suspended in a clear gel that is also designed to be easily swallowed and absorbed. 25 mg CBD capsules are a common dose. Many people like the softgel over the capsule because they usually contain an oil rather than a powder.
CBD oil or capsules
Most people feel more comfortable swallowing a pill than taking CBD sublingually. The taste of CBD oil can also be off-putting. Hemp has a strong earthy taste that takes some getting used to. CBD oil capsules are swallowed so that the consumer can avoid unpleasant tastes and get their daily dose.
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CBD oil has higher bioavailability, which means there is more CBD available to the body after ingestion. Bioavailability is important, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t dose consistently. If CBD oil is turning you off and preventing you from getting your daily dose, the amount the body is consuming doesn’t matter.
CBD capsules dosage
Most studies observe that people who use CBD consider a dosage between 25 and 75 mg. A typical dose given in retail products is also 25 mg. This amount is a low threshold that most researchers and CBD companies give to their patients or customers.
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While 25 mg is a typical dose, many people who are first time taking CBD capsules may want to start smaller. The freedom to choose your amount is the biggest downside to carrying CBD in capsule or capsule form. You cannot lower the dose. If you’re just not comfortable taking a full dose, find a company that sells microdoses of 5-10 mg before you step up to a full 25 mg.
CBD is well tolerated by humans and has no adverse side effects. However, some people may still be intimidated by taking 25 mg capsules. It may be harder to find, but there are options online for users who want a lower dose.
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When should CBD be taken?
The timing of CBD is also not fully understood. Some studies suggest taking CBD at night when your goal is to overcome insomnia and during the day when you are in pain or have a mental illness. The most important part of taking CBD is regular dosing. Taking CBD once does not have much of an impact. A constant amount is the only way to experience the benefits.
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Take CBD on a full stomach, especially if you are taking CBD capsules. The rate of absorption is much higher than if you were to take CBD without food. If you’re having trouble sleeping and are hoping that CBD can help, take 30-45 minutes before going to bed. We recommend taking your CBD capsules right after your first meal if you suffer from mental illness.
This article originally appeared in the Green Market Report and was republished with permission.
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