Does Omicron cause loss of smell and taste? Here’s what a new study says
One of the strangest and most concerning symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of taste and smell. This symptom, which can last for weeks to months, has become one of the most notorious complaints of the disease. Does the Omicron variant cause this condition?
A study conducted by the Health Security Agency in the UK found that only 13% of people with Omicron reported a loss of smell or taste. When the Delta variant was widespread, 34% of people reported these symptoms. The study found that the most common symptoms of Omicron were a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat.
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Photo by Outcast India via Unsplash
The rise of the Omicron variant has been rapid, with cases in South Africa, the country where the variant was first discovered, rising from 300 a day to 3,000 in just weeks after the variant was first discovered last November. However, as more data emerged, researchers found that people tended to have milder cases of the disease. While they continued to suffer from fatigue and fever, there were also fewer reports of loss of taste and smell.
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The appearance of new variants is not a surprise. While it’s understandable to panic with every new wave, Omicron likely won’t be the last wave we see, especially as there are COVID-19 outbreaks in places around the world. While there’s still a lot we don’t know, growing evidence suggests it’s a departure from the variants we’ve seen in the past. While you can lose your sense of taste and smell, the chances seem less than before.
Photo by Mufid Majnun via Unsplash
Vaccination is the easiest way to protect yourself from COVID-19. Getting the booster shot as soon as possible is also an efficient way to stay safe and continue your normal life. If you are infected with the virus, a vaccine and a booster shot increase your chances of getting mild illness and avoiding hospitalization.
RELATED: The crucial role our senses play in COVID-19 and beyond
That being said, social distancing practices are the next best thing to staying safe; Wearing your surgical or KN95 masks and keeping an eye on the COVID-19 cases in your area can give you peace of mind and know what is safe or unsafe in your situation.
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