Does an air conditioner make you sick?
Now that summer is in full swing, it’s time to crank up our air conditioners. Americans love their air conditioner, 90% of them have air conditioning installed in their home – a number much higher than people living in other countries. But does air conditioning make you sick while maintaining the comfort of a cool temperature?
Despite most people’s love for their units, there is a pervasive belief that leads us to believe that AC is an agent that aids in the spread of disease and germs. Working in an air-conditioned building with poor ventilation can increase your risk of sick building syndrome. Symptoms include headache, dry cough, dizziness and nausea, difficulty concentrating, fatigue and sensitivity to smells.
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A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology states that people who work in air-conditioned office buildings get sick more often than people who spend most of their time in offices with natural ventilation. The study states that people belonging to the first group are more likely to suffer from sick building syndrome (SBS), “symptoms consisting mainly of eye, nose or throat irritation and respiratory problems such as coughing.”
Photo by Dan LeFebvre via Unsplash
Is air conditioning harmful to our health? The Huffington Post reports that as long as the unit is well cared for, there shouldn’t be any health issues.
“Air conditioners are prone to the buildup of infectious organisms and allergens like dust mites,” says pulmonologist Dr. Wassim Labaki. “Proper maintenance of these systems, including regular filter changes, is essential to prevent unhealthy air from circulating.”
The advantages of using air conditioning include the fact that the temperature can be maintained evenly, which has a positive effect on productivity. A well-maintained machine can also help prevent allergies and filter out harmful substances.
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As long as the air conditioning is taken care of and not overdone, it’s not bad for you. The dangers of these devices lie more in their impact on the environment and in the fact that they are used by many people. A staggering 10% of the world’s electricity consumption is used for air conditioning. If that worries you, fans, roofs, windows and the intelligent use of shading can help you create a space that is comfortable, cool and doesn’t impact the environment as much.
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