Do you have an endocannabinoid deficiency? (Causes and solutions!)
The body’s endocannabinoid system is a universal regulator for almost all other systems in the body. There are times when our bodies produce very low levels of endocannabinoids resulting in a deficiency that creates various health conditions. As crucial as this discourse is, you want to know what causes such errors and how to fix them.
For newbies to cannabis, it is sometimes shocking to discover the connection between their body function and cannabis-like molecules. They are always stunned to learn that the cannabis-like molecules affect almost every part of their body.
The human body makes chemicals similar to those found in the cannabis plant and uses these chemicals to regulate essential body functions. Some of the parts include immunity, skin health, brain function, and even our appetite.
The molecules are not random; They are part of a massive network of enzymes, receptors and signaling molecules called the endocannabinoid system (ECS). To know the causes and solutions of endocannabinoid deficiency, you need to understand and modulate the endocannabinoid system. You can modulate it through herbs, diet, and exercise.
The endocannabinoid system
This system is a universal regulator in the human body that keeps our biological systems in check. All parts of our physiology work at some point, and the endocannabinoid system makes sure that things are not too high or too low from the expected baseline.
For example, the endocannabinoid system helps your body maintain recommended blood pressure, appetite, immune cell action, and bone density. So it is certain that the endocannabinoid system is keeping everything in check.
Therefore, without this regulatory function and network, your body will malfunction. So when you think of the endocannabinoid system, you think of signals that tell cells when to become hyperactive or when to increase their activity. This regulatory function and the state of equilibrium are called “homeostasis”.
What is endocannabinoid deficiency?
The deficiency occurs when a person is unable to produce sufficient amounts of endocannabinoids, enzymes, and receptors. The person is iron deficient and some neurotransmitters are no longer able to produce enough endocannabinoids.
Because endocannabinoids are vital to the body, if you don’t have enough of them, your body can experience disorders that lead to illness and disease. Some of the diseases caused by deficiency are:
The causes of endocannabinoid deficiency
There are several causes of endocannabinoid deficiency, ranging from poor lifestyle choices to genetics and diet. Some of these causes are:
Endocannabinoids are naturally said to bind cannabinoid receptors to cause changes in your cells. When you lack cannabinoid receptors, the molecules have nothing to secure, which leads to deficiencies.
Sleep is critical to perfect health, and without sleep you will feel sluggish and tired. Staying awake with insomnia negatively affects your endocannabinoid system.
Our bodies need good nutrition to make useful endocannabinoids. If you have a deficiency, it is most likely due to poor diet. The nutrients you get from food modulate your endocannabinoid system, while a lack of healthy fats leads to a deficiency.
After exercise, our bodies release more endocannabinoids, but we become deficient when we don’t get enough exercise.
Stress can lead to dysfunction and burnout as it means your system is working overtime, which has a negative impact on your endocannabinoid system – the more stress you are, the greater the risk of endocannabinoid deficiency.
Too much alcohol in your body is primarily not good for you and it interferes with the functioning of your endocannabinoid system, putting you at risk of several diseases and illnesses.
How to improve the endocannabinoid system
The negatives of modern life and exposure to technology have resulted in more people leading a sedentary lifestyle, which is why we are more stressed, eat poorly, and sleep. These negative effects of modern life affect our endocannabinoid system.
How To Improve Your Endocannabinoid System:
You are what you eat, and eating right can strengthen your endocannabinoid system. The following foods are fantastic additions to your diet that will strengthen your endocannabinoid system:
There are many valuable microbes in our gut and the endocannabinoid system is closely related to them. To boost your microbes, you need high fiber foods like onions, leeks, and artichokes.
These are rich antioxidants found in many foods and responsible for the pigments you see on some fruits and vegetables. You will need lots of blueberries and beetroot as these are flavonoid-rich foods that can increase your cannabinoid receptors. Other foods are grapes, apples, cherries, and raspberries.
Not only is chocolate a sweet treat, it’s also made from the tropical cocoa plant, and this fruit is rich in the human endocannabinoid: anandamide.
You need a good amount of omega fatty acids to build your endocannabinoid system. You need around 50% of omega-6 and omega-3 for increased endocannabinoid levels.
Our body should stay active and in motion: a sedentary life does not fit this idea and has a negative effect on your endocannabinoid system. So move on Keep your heart and lungs active by practicing a variety of sports, from lifting weights for lean muscle to running for a better mood.
Stress affects the endocannabinoid system. In order to increase your endocannabinoid, you need to examine and reduce your stress levels. Try massage or acupuncture to relieve stress and increase your endocannabinoid levels.
Bottom line
Increased research into cannabis has made more people aware of what is happening in their body and this has further popularized the presence of the endocannabinoid system.
Endocannabinoid deficiency is a threat to health and puts the entire body at risk of suffering more illnesses and diseases. This article has highlighted the root causes of this worrying health risk and its solutions to staying healthy, strong, and active. We need a healthy endocannabinoid system.
What can you do if your ECS system gets out of hand?
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