Do we need supercharged cannabis?

From a group of European Researcher comes news of the discovery of a super cannabis compound, a cannabinoid 30 times more powerful than THC. It was discovered while searching for additional medicinal properties in a variety of 150 known cannabinoids.

It’s called THCP and the researchers were stunned: “The presence of this new phytocannabinoid may be responsible for the pharmacological properties of some cannabis strains that are difficult to explain by the presence of the only delta cannabinoid.9-THC.”

And there’s the problem, because this type of statement plays into the hands of both sides of the cannabis equation.

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), an anti-legalization organization, typically points out that the increasing use of marijuana by elementary and high school students is a sign of the bad side of cannabis (inadvertently encouraging regulation for adults, which advocates oppose battle). from the federal government). They celebrate with an “a-ha” moment as the e-cigarette crisis claims lives, even though the widespread finding is that these e-cigarettes are black market products available to teenagers because there is no federal regulation. The cartridges are filled with products other than tobacco or cannabis that affect the lungs.

RELATED: Is overregulation fueling the marijuana black market?

Stronger THC in cannabis products is one of SAM’s talking points, and this discovery plays a role right there.

On the other hand, marijuana advocates are excited because this super-THC discovery means there will be more and better medicines made from this plant, demonstrating the impact of the natural wonder of cannabis on humanity’s health. Further research could find more cannabinoids that can help with various human health problems. This discovery matters her special wheelhouse.

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But wait: The new super THC discovery was based in Part of the research at the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute in FlorenceThis at least gives the impression that the military views it as some kind of weapon. It’s happened before.

Years ago, that The US government had another super THC It was a product called red oil, which they thought could be used as a weapon for warfare. It was assumed that enemy troops would be so stoned that they could no longer function as soldiers. The experiments were conducted at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, from 1955 to 1975. 7,000 soldiers were exposed to 250 chemicals, including THC, nerve agent, mustard gas, LSD and PCP.

RELATED: You Have the Highest THC Strain – So What?

And this wasn’t the first time cannabis had been tested for its possible use as a weapon.

During World War II, the Army tested it as one of these “psychobehavioral chemical agents”, along with LSD. The results were classified, but it is believed that LSD won because it better at “establishing psychological control.” according to the U.S. Army Surgeon’s Office.

So the fact remains that this new super-potent THC development has researchers thinking and thinking about how THC and cannabinoids may have made a leap in expanding their benefits, while at the same time the military is thinking about the potential harm they can cause do with it. Stand by.

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