Do Fido and Fluffy get high?

The pet medical cannabis industry is magically thriving. The number of dog and / or cat parents considering using cannabis for their pets is growing every day.

Every day, at least one parent comes to a pharmacy to inquire about the perfect CBD products for their pets, while a significant number of these parents are actively researching testing guidelines, the right ingredients, and consumer stories related to the use of medical cannabis for dogs and cats.

As more pet owners become drawn into the pet cannabis world, more and more companies are springing up to meet the increased demand for medical marijuana for pets. These companies sell CBD oils, capsules, topicals, and other treats that appeal to dogs and cats. Many of these products are developed with dog or cat safe ingredients. Coconut oil is an example of such an ingredient.

Is It Safe To Give Cannabis To Dogs and Cats?

Like humans, pets get sick. Studies show that CBD is a potential treatment for treating illness in cats and dogs.

Marijuana plants have many different cannabinoids, the two main compounds THC and CBD offer a wealth of therapeutic benefits, most of which are not fully explored.

CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, appears to have a calming effect on pets. It also reduces nervousness and stress in humans. It induces a relaxed state in pets. Studies on it are few, however, and it may be too early to graduate.

Cannabis for cats and dogs

Unlike humans, we are unable to enjoy cannabis in a generally safe manner. You and I can make the mistake of exaggerating, because the most we will end up feeling extremely tired and sleeping in is. The same mistake with cats and dogs would be costly.

There are currently few experiments to fully examine the effects of THC on pets. For now, accumulated evidence shows that these animals experience the effects of cannabinoids faster than humans. A small dose of cannabis is enough to trigger these reactions.

Dogs and cats can’t consume the average joint you do. An average roll contains around 150 mg of THC. This is more than enough to induce psychoactive effects in pets when inhaled passively. Reason enough to keep your medical-grade THC-filled stash away from your pet’s reach.

Can cats and dogs get high from cannabis?

Yes, you can. Although it is not advisable.

I recently experienced moments of panic when a dog owner accidentally consumed a large amount of marijuana on his dog. Without the quick response from the veterinarian, the consequences could have been severe.

It is one thing to feed your pet the correct dose of cannabis and it is quite another thing if your pet ingests a large amount of marijuana. The effects can be severe enough to cause the animal’s death.

Fortunately, medical cannabis is now legal in most states in the United States, it is now easy to buy the right products for your pets.

How to tell if your cat or dog is cannabis high.

The Food and Drug Administration published a list of symptoms that would be observed when a pet was exposed to cannabis. If any of the following is observed, contact the above immediately.

  • depression

  • agitation

  • lethargy

  • Heavy drooling

  • Tremble

  • Vomit

The endocannabinoid system in cats and dogs

Animals also have an ECS. The ECS helps mammals and other animals balance their internal systems; it plays a regulating role in keeping the internal environment in a state of homeostasis.

When ingested, cannabinoids work in synergy with the ECS receptors that are present throughout the animal’s body.

The endocannabinoid system has two main receptors, namely CB1 and CB2. When CBD or THC molecules get into the ECS, they mimic the internal cannabinoid molecules. They bind to the right receptors and induce changes in the body.

Your pets will experience a temporary change in their mood and biology when fed cannabis products. This temporary change is only worthwhile if your pet suffers from a specific condition, otherwise in some cases it can have dire health consequences.

Effects of cannabis on dogs and cats

With dogs

Medical marijuana use in dogs has been tested in dogs with age-related degeneration of the joints. The results obtained showed that the drug significantly reduced the level of pain felt by the dogs. The fun fact is that there were no side effects throughout the research.

Further studies also look promising.

In cats

At this time, I can’t tell if a study was done to check the effects of CBD on cats.

Veterinarians and owners can only rely on prior information from anecdotal reports when it comes to feeding our cats cannabinoid molecules.

The fact is, medical marijuana reduces an animal’s aggression, increases appetite, and decreases anxiety and stress. (As I said)

Is it legal to feed medicinal cannabis to a dog or cat?

Yes it is. However, it depends on where you are.

Not all countries or states have legalized the use of medical cannabis. If you are in a country that has legalized this non-psychoactive drug, you can legally give medical marijuana to your pet. If not, don’t try to give your pet away.

The cannabis reform movement is gaining traction, and in no time most areas of the world will have this drug licensed.

Final words: The future of medical cannabis for cats and dogs

In order for progress to be made, the use of medical marijuana for our dogs and feline companions must be fully researched.

Veterinarians and other scientists must consider the use of medicinal cannabis to treat serious disease conditions in dogs and cats. This will increase the research effort and open the market for new products. Things like skin allergies and rashes in cats and dogs could be for CBD in the future.

I strongly recommend that you do your best to keep your leaves away from THC to avoid toxic reactions. CBD is the best option. Also, ask veterinarians for a better opinion before giving medical marijuana to your cats or dogs.







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