Do dogs know when you are upset?

Dogs are known for being man’s best friends. They are usually always there for you (unless you get distracted by a really squeaky toy or a chewy bone). But do dogs notice when they are upset?

Many dogs can sense how you are feeling and whether you need a little extra attention. This is expressed in changes in emotions: sad, depressed or happy, as well as in stress and nervousness. This means your dog can often tell exactly whether you are upset or sick.

A study confirms that daters are the best and have a special bond with their owners, especially when they are sad or distressed.

Photo by Isabela Kronemberger via Unsplash

The study, published in the journal Learning and Behavior, analyzed 34 dogs and their owners and brought them into a laboratory for some experiments. Scientists separated the owners from the dogs and placed them within sight of each other. The owners were told to shout “Help!” every 15 seconds, with either an unimpressed or a distressed tone.

The test records showed a pattern. Although most dogs were eager to return to their owner every time they said something, they tended to run toward him 40 seconds faster when the request was desperate.

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The study’s sample size is small, so it cannot provide conclusive evidence, but this alert behavior in dogs is quite common. Data shows that most dogs respond very well to their owner’s feelings, much better to their owners’ feelings than to the feelings of their fellow dogs, which gives them the ability to detect when people are depressed or sick. According to The Atlantic, dogs have highly developed senses of smell and hearing, which helps them detect changes in your mood and health that you may not even be aware of.

Your tone of voice or tears will attract your dog’s attention and make him more attentive to you. Maybe it’s because they love you unconditionally or because they find your behavior strange and want to understand it. It’s cute either way.

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