Did you know the US government has a patent on cannabinoids?

Most people with some knowledge of cannabis know that the US federal government considers “marijuana” a Schedule I drug. Like all Schedule I drugs, this means that cannabis is classified as a substance with no medicinal potential.

So it may come as a surprise that the federal government has also patented cannabinoids as substances that could prevent brain degeneration. If cannabis – and by extension the cannabinoids it contains – has no therapeutic value, why has the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) patented cannabinoids as a potential medical therapy?

Once your outrage at this absurd hypocrisy subsides, you will be left with some critical unanswered questions. Let’s take a look at what Patent #6,630,507 is and what it means in relation to the government’s stance on cannabinoids.

What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are naturally occurring substances found only in Cannabis sativa, better known as “hemp” or “cannabis”. While some cannabinoids, like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), have their fair share of downsides, others are virtually side-effect free and show tremendous therapeutic potential.

For example, cannabidiol (CBD) has been approved as an antiepileptic in the form of Epidiolex, a prescription drug from GW Pharmaceuticals. This doesn’t mean that all CBD products have been approved by the FDA, but it does prove that hemp has scientifically proven medicinal potential. CBD is non-intoxicating and the potential benefits of CBD oil[1] seem to go well beyond epilepsy.

Another non-intoxicating cannabinoid that is beginning to show promise as a potential medical treatment is cannabigerol (CBG). CBG oil is slightly different from CBD in its effects and potential uses[2] However, it is just as unlikely to cause serious side effects.

Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

So what does Patent #6,630,507 tell us about the government’s true position on the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids? Despite the continued refusal to shift cannabis’ federal status, this patent openly admits that cannabinoids “have been found with antioxidant properties.” Although the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) still designates cannabinoids as having “no currently accepted medicinal value in the United States,” this patent — filed on behalf of the federal government — goes on to state that this is “newly found.” [antioxidant] This property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of a variety of oxidation-related diseases.”

Additionally, Patent No. 6,630,507 identifies cannabinoids as having “particular use as neuroprotectants” that could limit neurological damage from stroke and brain injury. It also suggests that cannabinoids could be useful in neurodegenerative conditions such as “Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.” Later, the patent specifically identifies CBD as particularly useful due to its low toxicity.

What’s that supposed to mean?

In a fair and just nation, the filing of this patent – filed by the federal government’s HHS, if you recall – would have immediately triggered a thorough overhaul of the federal classification of cannabis. Regardless, as late as 2016, the DEA specifically refused to do so, and apparently hasn’t even come up with a plan to postpone cannabis anytime soon.

Just as it’s clear that the federal government should reconsider its stance on cannabinoids, it’s also clear that not all cannabinoids are created equal. However, the fact that THC, for example, has some genuine ability to cause harm shouldn’t delay efforts to free seemingly harmless cannabinoids like CBD and CBG from a decades-old prohibition law that still significantly impedes research into these clearly beneficial substances.

We’re not sure why the federal government is hesitant about cannabinoid reform—we can only speculate. The fact remains, however, that Patent #6,630,507 clearly shows that the US government doesn’t even believe its own official position on cannabinoids.

Every time the government does one thing but says another, the citizenry should be concerned. Add to that the fact that millions of CBD and CBG users still wonder if they’re breaking the law, and the need for federal accountability when it comes to cannabinoids becomes even more apparent.

US Patent No. 6,630,507 – Final Thoughts

Over the past 50 years, Americans’ confidence in their government has plummeted. While it may seem far from the most pressing issue facing the American people today, the continued ban on cannabinoids is another thorn in the side of the average citizen as they pay taxes or elect civil servants to public office. For people who could be helped with cannabinoids but are concerned about access due to outdated prohibition laws, this breach of trust is even more acute.

Luckily, reduced confidence in their government has prompted Americans to do things their own way – CBD and CBG products are now widely available online. Try these cannabinoids today to find out what all the fuss is about. Perhaps you, like countless others, are discovering its healing powers without government help.



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