Debunking 4 Common Edible Myths
As legal marijuana spread across the country, the popularity of edibles has risen dramatically. People with access to legal marijuana have the option of either buying edibles from a pharmacy or making their own homemade versions.
Unfortunately, due to myths spread about their consumption, some people have held back from indulging in edibles. The widespread popularity of edibles in recent years has given rise to numerous myths. And while some are harmless, others perpetuate inaccurate and harmful narratives about marijuana. Here are four of the most common.
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Overconsumption can be fatal
Since edibles are often high in THC, it’s not uncommon for people who eat one to be concerned that they are feeling the effects a little too much. Even if this is the case, there is no need to worry that over-indulging in an edible could result in an accidental fatal overdose. Edibles may contain higher levels of THC than your average joint, but still do not contain nearly the required amount cause a fatal marijuana overdose.
Edibles work best as desserts
The concept that edibles work best when served as dessert is not surprising considering how “weed brownies” have become synonymous with edible consumption. The popularity of cannabis infused hard candy only perpetuates this lie.
The root of the myth that edibles are best served as a dessert is based on a story that One of the earliest edible recipes was brownies (which weren’t actually brownies at all) from one of the country’s first pot pioneers, affectionately known as “Brownie Marie”. Another reason edibles are most commonly associated with desserts is that flavors like peanut butter and chocolate can do wonders for the taste of cannabis.
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Raw marijuana has the same effects as edible marijuana
One of the most momentous mistakes anyone can make is choosing to make their own homemade edibles on the pretext that it is as easy as adding grass to the cake mix. In fact, you first have to undergo a process called decarboxylation, which activates the THC.
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Cannabis that has not undergone this process does not possess the psychoactive effects that people are looking for, which means adding raw cannabis to any recipe is a waste if you are trying to get high.
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Labels are always accurate
Getting the most out of a purchase is the goal of every smart consumer. When it comes to edibles, it likely means going for the ones with the highest levels of THC. Since this information is provided by products sold in pharmacies, most people probably assume that finding a potent edible on the shelves should be easy.
RELATED: What To Do If Your Marijuana Edibles Won’t Get You High
While most people would assume that products straight out of a laboratory are measured to perfection, the idea couldn’t be further from the truth. ONE New York Times study analyzed the ingredients of 75 edibles and found that only 17 of them had accurate representations of their THC content. As the legal marijuana industry is still relatively young, it can be assumed that it may be a while before the problems of mislabeling and advertising for THC levels are resolved.
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