DEA Letter – Delta 8 THC From Hemp Is Not A Controlled Substance – Latest Cannabis News Today
The Delta 8 THC industry can breathe a little easier as long as they use hemp. In a recent letter, the DEA clarified its position on hemp-derived Delta 8 THC. As long as the product is made from hemp and does not contain Delta 9 THC, it is legal. Delta 8 THC made from hemp is legal to manufacture, distribute and buy. For those who depend on Delta 8 THC, the news of the DEA’s approach is a welcome breath of fresh air. If Delta 8 THC is a part of your life, here are the details you need to know.
Delta 8 THC
Delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid that occurs naturally in very small amounts in the cannabis plant. It has incredible therapeutic potential and is known to be an effective treatment for nausea. Unlike Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 does not have a large psychoactive effect. This makes it ideal as a daily medicine, especially for pediatric patients. In 1995, a study on Delta 8 THC was conducted for the Department of Pediatric Oncology. The results have been quite remarkable. Delta 8 THC was given to eight children who were all on cancer treatment; it completely prevented vomiting without causing any significant side effects. The study was entitled “An Efficient New Cannabinoid Antiemetic in Pediatric Oncology”.
Letter from the Medicines Agency
The letter was written in September 2021 but was recently published by TC Distribution, LLC. She is responding to a query on both the status of Delta 8 THC and the DEA’s future plans to regulate the substance. In clear terms from the Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section, the letter states that Delta 8 THC from hemp does not fall under the Controlled Substances Act. Therefore, it is not subject to the same regulations and Delta 9 THC.
What is legal and illegal?
According to the DEA’s letter, tetrahydrocannabinols are listed as controlled in Appendix 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, which makes them illegal. However, tetrahydrocannabinols from hemp are not covered by the law. As far as the CSA is concerned, the term tetrahydrocannabinol is defined as “the naturally contained in a plant of the genus cannabis (cannabis plant) as well as synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the cannabis plant and / or synthetic substances, derivatives”. , and their isomers with a chemical structure and pharmacological activity similar to that of the substances contained in the plant. ”
A Delta 8 THC product can only be considered legal if it meets the following criteria:
- It must be extracted or made from hemp or hemp materials – this includes synthesized delta-8 THC products.
- Both the product and the cannabis used to make it must not contain more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.
To learn more about Delta 8 THC, click here.
To read the US DEA’s letter, click here. This letter was received from TC Distribution, LLC.
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