Data shows that summer is the time to try new things

During high school, summer was the dream. Weeks of adventure, sleeping in, exploring, and hanging out with friends. There was something magical about summer and there always seemed to be something new to try. It turns out that people carry that feeling into adulthood. In fact, the majority of adults see summer as an opportunity for a bit of adventure.

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Not everything is crazy, like a cross-country road trip, but maybe try a different food, go camping, or learn how to grill. According to data, summer is the time to try different things. A survey clearly found that 59% of people want to try something new this summer. Among the desires, 17% cited a desire to visit a new state or city, while more than a third (39%) said they absolutely must see friends and family on their summer vacation. Bungee jumping, paragliding, trying marijuana, and making your own ice cream are also things people want to try.

Photo by Cassie Gallegos via Unsplash

Some people have already made or partially completed their summer wish list. Activities include water skiing (44%), wakeboarding (43%) and surfing (41%). Others want to learn something new, such as making water balloons, playing bowling or gardening. Still others want to go to open-air concerts, travel and, above all, explore the world.

And some want to experiment with cocktails, summer drinks and marijuana.

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Studies have already found that teenagers and college students are more likely to try alcohol, tobacco or marijuana for the first time during the summer months. However, a study published in the Journal for General Internist Medicine focused on age groups that included adults. In addition, researchers were interested in the timing of the onset of cocaine and hallucinogenic drug use among different populations.

Palamar, an associate professor in the division of population health at New York University School of Medicine, and other researchers suggested one explanation for why people are more likely to experiment with drugs in the summer: the increasing number of music festivals and outdoor concerts, as well as more free time in the summer.

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