Data says people wear AirPods at intimate times

It is estimated that over 150 million AirPods have been sold to date. And over 100 million people are currently using it. Apple has made another fortune with these mini gadgets and people collect them and leave them in all sorts of places. On the street, in restaurants and everywhere you see people who look like they are talking. They have almost become part of the body. In fact, data suggests that people are wearing AirPods at an intimate time… THE intimate time.

Take a minute to think about it.

TickPick, an online ticketing service, conducted a survey of 1,000 people who were sexually active and interested in music. While TickPick doesn’t seem to be the most reliable source of scientific information, they found that 17% of participants were happy to leave their little pods in during sex.

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Other interesting information is:

  • Pop fans, a majority of whom belong to the youngest demographic surveyed, were the least satisfied in bed.
  • Almost 80% of people with the same taste in music as their partner were satisfied with their sex life. They had sex eight times a month on average.
  • 43% of people whose partners had different tastes in music said they were dissatisfied with their sex life. They had sex six times a month on average.
  • Indie rock fans were more into BDSM.
  • Heavy metal fans use contraception the most, while country fans use it the least. Only 49% of them are taking precautions.

Whatever you think of this survey and all of this interesting data, you should still be shocked by the fact that 17% of people leave their AirPods in during sex. Knowing this gives all those AirPod memes a whole new meaning.

Attention Regina! The school bus is coming!

— Daniel ???‍???️‍? (@deaxlin) January 31, 2019

RELATED: Meme of the week: The internet still finds Airpods very funny

People are really out there doing what they want. And you can bet Apple is excited about this free marketing treat. These little devices really stay in place as we can see as data suggests people wear AirPods at intimate times

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