Could CBD Help Patients With Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s disease, commonly known as (AD), is an age-related neurodegenerative disease. It is the most common cause of dementia, a term for memory loss. People with AD are around age 65 and, according to recent data, gain weight every five to six years. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, medical experts continue to discover new ways to treat AD in hopes of slowing its progression.

For those diagnosed with AD, drugs such as donepezil and galantamine are the most common treatment options. However, researchers have found alternative treatments that could help ease the transition from dementia. Instead of constant medication, caregivers are looking for holistic treatments for their loved ones, and one of those options is CBD.

As the wellness industry welcomes CBD with open arms, medical experts are researching CBD oil and how it can help people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. But how would CBD help patients and does it do more harm than good?

How Can CBD Help Alzheimer’s Patients?

A recent study found that using CBD in AD treatment can improve the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease. CBD may enhance immune system response and the autophagy pathway to hippocampal neurons. What does that mean? The hippocampus is a part of our brain that helps with learning and memory. Although CBD may not stop Alzheimer’s disease from developing fully, it can slow down the process and help the patient retain some of their memory by targeting the memory part of the brain.

“The entourage effect with the terpenoids alpha or beta pinenes enhances the limbic system’s ability to increase memory and recall,” says Jessica Baker – herbalist and owner of a medical cannabis dispensary in Oklahoma City. “CBD acts to reduce inflammation and inhibit the causal factors of Alzehimer when CBD + THC are used together.”

Why is CBD important in Alzheimer’s patients?

When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia it can be difficult and caregivers want to do whatever they can to help. And given the powerful side effects that pharmaceutical drugs can have on patients, caregivers are looking at alternative options, but some concerns are going down that route.

Some experts question the effectiveness and purity of alternative treatments, claiming that cannabis/hemp is not FDA approved and there is no evidence that CBD is safe. However, a study conducted in 1998 with patients using CBD for Alzheimer’s was able to conclude that CBD was more effective as a neuroprotective antioxidant and worked in the same way as standard medications without accompanying toxicity.

If caregivers can find other treatments that are not as harmful or risk toxicity, this is the best option for patients and families.

What can caregivers do if they want to use CBD to treat Alzheimer’s?

Although research and data is still being developed on this new CBD discovery for brain trauma, cannabis is not currently FDA approved. Therefore, it is important to speak to your doctor or healthcare provider before using CBD in treatment as dosage and medical history need to be considered.

Doing research and asking questions is always best before using CBD/THC yourself. And if you don’t feel comfortable talking to your doctor about cannabis as an alternative treatment, look for a cannabis doctor who can provide you with all the important information you need for you and your family.

There may not be a cure for Alzheimer’s, but there is an easier and healthier way to treat it. And as cannabis slowly rises to stardom in the wellness industry, with enough scientifically backed evidence, CBD will no doubt be a pillar for an overall healthy lifestyle.

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