Congressman introduces bill to deprive states with legal weed of federal funding

Rep. Chuck Edwards, representing a county in western North Carolina, introduced the Stop Pot Act on Friday, saying the bill will “withhold 10 percent of federal highway funds for governments that violate federal laws under the Controlled Substances Act.” violating what…” bans recreational marijuana and classifies it as a Schedule I drug.”

The legislation “does not apply to jurisdictions that permit the medical use of marijuana when prescribed by a licensed physician,” the congressman’s office said in a press release.

“A government’s laws should not violate the overall laws of our nation, and federal funds should not be awarded to jurisdictions that willfully ignore federal laws,” Edwards said in a statement.

“At a time when our communities are facing unprecedented crime, drug addiction and mental illness, the Stop Pot Act will help prevent even greater access to drugs and relieve already overburdened local law enforcement and mental health professionals .”

Edwards’ bill comes amid a sweeping shift in marijuana policy in the United States. 23 states have legalized adult recreational cannabis. Recreational use of marijuana has also been legalized in the District of Columbia, the US territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Also, as local news station ABC11 reported, Edward’s bill “comes at a time when the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians will hold a referendum next week on whether to legalize the sale and use of recreational marijuana in tribal lands.” shall be.”

If the referendum is passed in Thursday’s vote, “the Qualla border will be the only place in North Carolina where marijuana can legally be purchased for recreational use,” Edwards’ office said.

However, due to its status under the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana remains illegal at the federal level.

In Friday’s press release on the bill, Edwards’ office noted that the measure was endorsed by Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action, a coalition aiming to create a society “where marijuana policies match the scientific understanding of harm.” of marijuana are consistent”. , and the commercialization and normalization of marijuana is no more,” and the Christian Action League.

“Today’s marijuana is not Woodstock weed. It is a sophisticated drug, often packaged in child-friendly packaging, and has an efficacy of up to 99 percent. The legalization movement has exacerbated America’s mental health and addiction crises by targeting communities of color and young people. Today’s commercial marijuana products are associated with depression, suicidality, IQ decline, and more recently psychosis and schizophrenia, particularly in young people,” said Dr. Kevin Sabet, President and CEO of Smart Approaches, in a statement.

“Federal law is clear – the sale of marijuana and THC drugs is illegal. Congressman Edwards’ Stop Pot Act holds states responsible for violating federal laws and undermining the authority of the FDA and DEA. In states across the country, we have seen the legalization of marijuana and THC drugs lead to increases in traffic accidents and marijuana-related deaths. As CBS News reported just today, a recent study found that cannabis-related drunk driving is 32 percent more common in states where the drugs are legal than in states where the drugs aren’t legal. By following the model that raised the legal drinking age to 21 and tied highway funding to responsible marijuana policies, this bill will improve road safety. This is good news for everyone.”

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians have been preparing for a multimillion-dollar dispensary for months, though the project has stalled along the way.

In May, Richard Sneed, the chief chief of the tribe, said that he “vetoed the tribal council’s recent approval of the final $64 million for the project because the original proposal called for the entire project to be worth $50 million.” US dollars would be concluded.”

“The fact that the original cost of this project for an outdoor grow, indoor grow, and indoor dispensary was $50 million and we are now told it was $95 million shows that there is an immediate need for a full settlement of the money “has been expended so far,” Sneed wrote in a Facebook post at the time.

The tribe has been working to convert an old bingo hall into a marijuana convenience store that would be the only dispensary (medicinal or recreational) in the state of North Carolina.

Last fall, the tribe announced that it would begin growing its first crop of cannabis on its land, following a vote in 2021 to legalize medical marijuana.

“The Council’s approval of a medical marijuana regulation is a testament to changing attitudes towards legal marijuana and a recognition of the growing body of evidence supporting cannabis as a medicine, particularly for people with debilitating conditions such as cancer and chronic pain,” he said Sneed 2021 after voting.

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