Congress: Two new bills would pressure DEA to give patients access to psychedelics and weed

Through Laura Goldstein

On July 20, bipartisan lawmakers from both houses of Congress circulated accompanying legislation clarifying that federal Right to Hear (RTT) laws grant terminally ill patients access to Schedule I substances, including marijuana and psychedelics. The primary sponsors of the legislation are Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rand Paul (R-KY), along with Reps Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Nancy Mace (R-SC).

As Marijuana Moment first revealed, the measures would constitute a technical change to the original text of the law, but its main goal is to clarify that the measure – signed by former President Donald Trump – will actually result in terminally ill patients being able to get and use the drugs List I that have undergone clinical trials.

Photo by Ivan Balvan/Getty

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The new legislation could directly impact an ongoing lawsuit against the DEA after the federal agency denied access to psilocybin for the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients.

It’s important to remember that research on psilocybin, MDMA, and cannabis has made great strides in clinical trials for mental illness in recent years. Additionally, the two psychedelics have received Breakthrough Therapy designations from the FDA.

Specifically, the new bill discusses the point that RTT laws “apply to Schedule I substances that have completed a Phase I clinical trial and to provide eligible patients with access to such substances.”

Along those lines, Senator Booker stated in a press release that “recent studies suggest that MDMA and psilocybin could represent tremendous advances in mental health and psychopharmacology” and that “this legislation will put the patient first and help access to life-altering and life-saving medicines.”

Sen. Paul added, “As a physician, I know how important the right to try is for patients facing a life-threatening condition. I’m proud to lead this bipartisan legislation with Sen. Booker that will sidestep the government and give doctors more resources to help patients.”

medical marijuanaPhoto by RODNAE Productions via Pexels

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On his behalf, Rep. Blumenauer said that “patients and physicians deserve to discuss treatments that researchers have found provide immediate and sustained relief from pain, anxiety and depression for people with terminal illnesses,” while addressing the statements Former Congressman Agrees “Federal restrictions have hampered access to end-of-life care for too long.” He expects legislation put in place will change that “and ensure all patients have the right to try.”

This article originally appeared on Benzinga and has been republished with permission.

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