Coffee and Weed: How THC and Caffeine Interact
Since these are two of the most commonly consumed psychoactive chemicals in the world, it’s no wonder people have started mixing weed with their coffee for the ultimate Saturday morning high.
But what exactly happens when you mix coffee and weed?
Learn about the research on mixing caffeine and THC/CBD and read six tips for waking up and baking.
What happens when you mix caffeine and cannabis?
Both caffeine and cannabis have the power to affect the way we perceive the world around us. The combination of the two can produce compound effects on the mind and body due to the effects of each. Caffeine affects our adenosine receptors, which stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) and dilate blood vessels, while compounds in cannabis affect the body’s multifaceted endocannabinoid system (ECS), actually inhibiting the CNS.
While you might think that the effects cancel each other out, that’s not necessarily the case. What happens when you mix coffee and weed consumption ultimately depends on a variety of factors, including the exact cannabinoids you consume, your individual ECS, your tolerance level, and the delivery and dosing methods you choose.
The truth is that mixing coffee with weed affects everyone differently. For some, caffeine can dramatically enhance a cannabis high. A 2017 animal study suggests that taking weed and coffee together increases levels of vital CNS neurotransmitters, including the “feel good” chemical dopamine, leading to feelings of euphoria.
Anyone who has enjoyed a joint with their morning cup of coffee knows how harmonious the tastes and aromas of each one are at the sensory level. It’s also possible that active compounds in cannabis stimulate adenosine receptor activity, which could enhance a caffeine hit.
coffee and THC
Anecdotal evidence suggests that pairing THC with coffee can help enhance its energizing effects. Those who prefer to wake up and bake with THC report feelings of increased energy, alertness, creativity, and motivation. And according to a 2011 animal study, low caffeine levels can enhance and prolong a cannabis high.
Conversely, a 2018 clinical study examined metabolite levels in coffee drinkers and found that increased caffeine intake can actually prevent the endocannabinoid system from metabolizing at its normal rate, meaning that the combination of coffee and weed actually allows you to can make it difficult to relax.
THC combined with coffee can sometimes trigger sensory overload. Both coffee and weed are known to increase heart rate and have the potential to induce anxiety when consumed in excess. And caffeine may promote cognitive impairment caused by THC, according to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Caffeine Research.
A 2012 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that combining weed with caffeine could impair short-term memory in rats. Researchers found that caffeine exacerbated memory deficits caused by low doses of THC, even more than a higher dose of THC alone. So when combining THC with coffee, consumers should be careful to start low and go slow.
Coffee and CBD
Is CBD different? With endless product recommendations and five-star reviews, CBD-infused coffee drinks have become hugely popular over the last few years. Anecdotal evidence suggests that combining CBD and coffee can increase a person’s alertness and focus, but without the jittery buzz that is typical of coffee.
When used alone, CBD can help reduce anxiety, increase focus, and stimulate intense relaxation. In low doses, CBD can be a stimulant, which some may pair well with caffeine. A 2020 study on rats supports the claim that CBD can help calm caffeine-triggered anxiety by producing an alert but calm buzz.
However, those consuming THC and CBD for serious medicinal purposes should avoid dosing with coffee, as accurate, stable dosing can be more difficult to achieve.
6 tips for waking up and baking
Now that you understand a bit of the science behind the legendary Wake n’ Bake, here are a few tips to help you achieve that harmonious balance of caffeine hit and weed high.
Understand how weed and caffeine affect you
Before you mix weed with your coffee, it’s important to understand how each one affects you. Remember that everyone’s experience of weed and caffeine is subjective.
As long as you have developed a healthy mental and physical relationship with both caffeine and cannabis, and are medically sane, you may consider mixing the two. (As always, this article is for informational purposes only and not medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning or changing any medical treatment.)
Start low and go slow
If you’re dosing weed with your coffee, you’ve probably heard over and over again how incredibly important it is to start low and go slow. Start with small doses of cannabis, be it THC or CBD, and gradually increase as needed. This is especially important when it comes to mixing cannabis and caffeine as there is an increased likelihood of anxiety.
Learning how to dose your weed and coffee requires trial and error, and starting low and going slow will help you refine your perfect wake n’ bake.
Try different shipping methods
Keep in mind that dosing produces different effects with different delivery methods. For example, smoking compared to vaping weed can induce different highs while affecting the flavor and overall sensory experience of your wake n’ bake. Additionally, research shows that coffee and edibles are both metabolized in the liver and can affect each other, meaning this combination may have the potential to produce even stronger, longer-lasting effects. No matter what, remember to start low and go slow.
Track your consumption and experiences
Track cannabis strains, dosages, and delivery methods that work (and don’t work) for you. By documenting your experiences with a journal or app, you can develop helpful patterns and learn how to properly dose your Wake n’ Bake to suit your needs.
Once you have an idea of what works for you, you can play around with weed-to-coffee ratios, new strains, and more.
be alert
When it’s time to wake up and bake, use it as a form of self-care and mindfulness. Use this morning ritual to ask yourself.
Shop from reputable brands
Mixing weed with coffee yourself isn’t the only option. Luckily, many big-name brands have started releasing cannabis-infused coffees and treats. Do your research before choosing a brand of cannabis-infused coffee or tea and only buy from licensed manufacturers to ensure what you are consuming is safe and effective.
bottom line
If you combine them mindfully, mixing a little weed with your coffee can spice up any morning. But at the end of the day, it’s important to remember that everyone reacts differently to both cannabis and coffee, so experiences with this combination can be quite different. While several animal studies have been conducted to determine the effects of weed and caffeine on the body, much more research is needed in human subjects.
Start low and go slow when starting out with coffee and cannabis, and pay attention to your own body’s reaction.
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