China and cannabis: stigma and persistent crackdown

Cannabis in China remains a complicated topic. Cannabis is stigmatized and the Chinese government continues to crack down on its use.

The attempts by the Chinese government to eradicate perceived social ills are nothing new. Just recently, the government introduced new guidelines restricting playtime for teenagers. The guidelines around cannabis are similarly strict, so let’s take a look at them.

Current legal status of cannabis in China

Cannabis is currently illegal in China. For the sake of clarity, you cannot use it for recreational or medical purposes. However, this does not mean that cannabis is completely banned. China remains one of the largest producers of medical marijuana and hemp. In addition, there are some of the oldest texts on medical marijuana in China. But despite the importance of cannabis to China’s past and present, the Chinese government is severely restricting its use among citizens.

The penalties vary widely, but cannabis use is ultimately illegal. If you are caught with cannabis by law enforcement, you can face a sentence of five years to life imprisonment. And if you own more than five kilograms of marijuana, you could face the death penalty. In addition, the government is unlikely to change its stance anytime soon. The Communist Party wants to continue cracking down on cannabis. The government started banning the use of CBD in cosmetics back in June.

How do Chinese citizens perceive cannabis?

You may be asking, “Do government policies on cannabis reflect the broader Chinese stance?” That kind of question is pretty difficult to answer, but let me try. In Cantonese we refer to cannabis as Dai Maa, which literally means “big hemp”. Given China’s history as a hemp producer, this name almost seems like a form of praise. But my very anecdotal experiences with Chinese parents suggest the opposite. In my household, marijuana in any form is an absolute no-go. Shortly after I finished college, I brought a vape pen home with me because it looked pretty nondescript. It was gone within a week. The main suspect? My mother.

Perhaps we could attribute this to generational differences. But when it comes to Chinese households, there is this uncompromising attitude towards marijuana. There is no room for dialogue on the subject – weed is simply forbidden, no ifs or buts. But why does this negativity around cannabis exist in Chinese culture? If we have such a storied history with cannabis, why the stigma?

Cannabis in China

One reason I can guess is the Opium Wars with the British Empire. In the 19th century, China had a serious opiate crisis when British traders brought the drug into Chinese ports. The Qing King responded with restrictions on British merchants. In return, Britain went to war with China, in which China lost. Not only was the loss embarrassing for China, but we also have painful memories of the effects of opium on our people. Perhaps our attitudes towards cannabis reflect fears that date back to our history with opium.

Will China’s Policies and Cultural Views on Cannabis Change? In the near future, new settings seem unlikely. But with enough time, cannabis may regain its status as our “big hemp”.

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