Channel 12 News’ Reefer Madness will end 2021 with a bit of ‘marijuana is a gateway drug’
At the beginning of 2022, you might think that Reefer Madness has gone the way of the dodo. One would expect science and reason to dictate our policies. However, for all of us who had the special privilege to experience what can only be described as the “cosmic cluster fudge of the year”; 2021 showed us that up is down and madness is at the center.
This is perfectly illustrated in a recent anti-cannabis hit from News 12, in which they followed the 2021 playbook and revived Reefer Madness’ old chapter “Gateway Theory”.
Of course, any informed person would know that if the Gateway Theory were true, substances like sugar, coffee, chocolate, sex, and even exercise would be subjected to the same test. Within the parameters of Gateway Theory, trick or treating can lead to heroin addiction, considering that sugar is about as addictive as cocaine and activates opioid receptors that activate the brain’s reward center.
Here is a brief excerpt from a health line article
Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, founder of Healthy Simple Life, explains that sugar is even more addicting than cocaine.
“Sugar activates the opiate receptors in our brain and influences the reward center, which leads to compulsive behavior despite the negative consequences such as weight gain, headaches, hormonal imbalances and more.”
Björk adds: “Every time we eat sweets, we intensify these neuropathies, which means that the brain becomes more and more predisposed to sugar and a tolerance builds up like any other drug.”
For those unfamiliar with gateway theory, Drug Policy Facts defines it as;
“The gateway effect, if it exists, has at least two potential and quite different sources (MacCoun, 1998). One interpretation is that it is an effect of drug use itself (e.g. consumers believe that other substances are more pleasant or less risky than previously thought. A second interpretation emphasizes peer groups and social interactions. Regular acquisition and use of marijuana can lead to one You may have different associations with peers whose attitudes and behaviors are generally prodrug, not just about marijuana. One version of this is the possibility that these peers also include people selling other drugs, reducing the difficulty of finding potential supplies If the latter is the explanation, legalization could reduce the likelihood of getting medication more difficult compared to the current situation. “- Drug Policy Facts
In other words, taking a drug will “create the devilish taste for MORE DRUGS!” Because you become addicted to pleasure and due to decreased yields – you increase potency & substance to get the “same high”. On the flip side, it could be a social connection as you’d hang out with your junkie friends who all want to smoke some smack and shoot marijuana.
This is the gateway theory in a nutshell.
Breaking down the propaganda of “News” 12 …
To be fair, in the opening paragraphs of the article – you quote someone who says “the vast majority of users wouldn’t try harder drugs …” but I believe this should disarm the reader. Immediately afterwards it says in the article;
“This is not your ‘Woodstock’ weed … that’s the bottom line,” she says. “The THC percentage is so much higher. Most children will either vape or dab, which is the wax they put in a vaping pen, and the dabbing can be 99% concentrated THC, which is why you find children in emergency rooms. ”- A lady named Judy
The above statement feels like it was produced by a first generation AI trying to mimic human speech. These are all sound bites that the US propaganda machine has been repeating for decades. “This is not your grandfather’s weed” has been choked up since the late 1990s and early 2000s. It almost feels like that scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where the “marijuana expert” spoke to a room full of cops and sang the same terrifying ignorance to advance their agenda.
While it’s true that higher potency weed has a stunner and someone who doesn’t know its proverbial “crap” could freak out thinking they need to rush to the emergency room – the vast majority of consumers don’t get these points.
Nor does this mean that cannabis is harmless. There are people who have negative effects from cannabis. However, this only really happens to a very small subset of users. Not every organism is created equal, and neither is anyone claiming it – but smoking marijuana will not lead you to heroin … which the article would have you believe.
Remember the guy at the beginning of the article who said, “Not everyone does harder drugs when they smoke marijuana?” Well, he interferes a little later in the article and says;
“Understand that marijuana has only one purpose … it is to make you feel good, it can make you more conscious at a concert or a movie. But if you use marijuana to sleep at night, to whet your appetite, to cope with the stress of the day, that’s not the point, ”says Pachter. “Here you will treat yourself and who knows what other problems you can develop from there.”
No tenants, marijuana is not for “a purpose”. Marijuana has many different uses, “feeling good” is one of them, but many others use it for spiritual reasons, health reasons, economic motivations, creativity, etc. Cannabis is there for exactly the things he said it wasn’t there is . Cannabis helps some people fall asleep. Not sleeping is terrible for your health. Cannabis is there to help you develop an appetite. Ask each anorexic what not eating does to your mind and body. Stress can lead to heart attacks. Cannabis for relaxing at the end of a long day is a means of reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Combine that with some exercise – and cannabis can actually help you stay young and healthy.
But – while I scold the stupid crap these unsuspecting idiots say about cannabis – you noticed that there was actually no evidence to back up their proposed “gateway theory”. At no point did they say, “Smoking weed leads to harder drugs,” despite the headline advertising it.
This is a perfect example of propaganda. It may look like news, but it smells like BS.
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