CBD Water: Big Market Opportunity or Just the Next Crazy CBD-Infused Product?
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
Water is one of the most basic needs for human survival. For this reason, CBD water is a brilliant innovation that addresses the innate needs of cannabis users while promising an excellent high.
Many have heard of CBD water, but few have seen it on store shelves and even fewer have tried it. The product has been described as exciting, practical and novel for so long that it’s surprising it hasn’t gone mainstream. Several factors have halted the progress of this product’s market, most notably its high cost and basic formulation.
Photo by Steve Johnson via Unsplash
In recent months, several dispensaries have started stocking up on many CBD products after consumers expressed interest. Products such as candy, beverages, cosmetics, pet food, and several everyday consumer goods have been infused with CBD. With this recent surge, one would have expected CBD water to be one of the most common products since everyone relies on water, but this is not the case.
When CBD water first hit the market, it struck consumers that it was a uniquely formulated cannabinoid-infused beverage. This description is correct! However, many manufacturers have started to cut corners when it comes to making this good product.
The Promising Nature of CBD Water
CBD water can become the number one cannabis product ahead of CBD flower, oil, isolates, and other edibles. Consumers only need to get access to the premium versions.
Its liquid nature gives it an edge over other cannabis products, as hydration is an essential concept for people, regardless of their line of business. For example, athletes reach for a water bottle after training; Fitness enthusiasts also sip water when they’re done with each session, and artists and even office goers take their hydration seriously. Everyone needs a bottle of water with a cup of coffee.
A bottle of CBD water offers a less obvious way of consuming cannabis. The unseemly cannabis water bottle is a socially acceptable method of discreetly ingesting CBD in the workplace, parks, restaurants, and other public spaces, compared to uncapping a tincture that pops a gummy bear or curling up a wand of flowers in the midst of public activities surfaces. Dissolvable CBD powder that works in water is also a new entrant in the CBD water craze.
The chemistry of CBD water
The production of CBD water is based on a nanoemulsion theory that allows the water to be compatible with the cannabinoids. This product uses emulsifiers to encapsulate the CBD compounds into tiny droplets (which is why you can see the CBD particles in a bottle of CBD water). Cannabinoids are fat-soluble compounds, not water-soluble. This relative mix of cannabis and water makes the cannabinoids bioavailable.
Some life science companies are reportedly using better techniques to create CBD water through water-soluble methods. Some CBD water products are infused with flavors and coloring to appeal to regular products.
The problem with CBD water
Support for CBD water is currently simmering. Because of this, the product was in short supply even though it has been shown to offer relief from pain, inflammation, anxiety, and a few other conditions. Here are some factors that create a stranglehold on the product.
CBD water is one of the most expensive CBD-derived products. That’s the first thing that turns people off. In the UK, a 250ml bottle of CBD water containing around 10mg of CBD costs £1.99, which is around $2.7 in the United States. For a full bottle of up to 500mg of CBD, the cost can be as high as £26 ($35) for a 10ml size.
Photo by Anderson Rian via Unsplash
Low CBD content
CBD water has a low cannabidiol content. The first products that hit the market were highly concentrated. However, newer products only contain a minimal amount of CBD. Compared to edibles, isolates, and flowers, CBD water doesn’t offer consumers its value in cannabidiol. For high-priced products like these, consumers expect nothing but the best in terms of quality and effectiveness.
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The majority of the bottled or canned CBD water on the market is incredibly diluted and has minimal impact on the user. In order to feel the effects of cannabidiol with CBD water, you need to swallow at least two bottles. Despite this, the effects you find are more or less the same as the effects you feel when you take a drop of full-spectrum, medium-strength CBD oil.
CBD water loses its potential benefits when exposed to light and air for days or weeks. Different labels pack their products with different materials. The most common packaging is transparent plastic bottles. However, it has been found that while transparent containers are optimal for water, the container causes a gradual degradation of CBD compounds.
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CBD is a meroterpene; it is part phenol and part terpene. This property explains the gradual degradation observed when CBD products are exposed to light and air over a long period of time. Put on shelves under supermarket lights, CBD water lost its potency long before customers bought it. The only way to reduce this degradation is to use opaque containers. However, these cannot be revealed after opening. Either way, the contents are exposed to air or light.
Photo of RUN 4 FFWPU from Pexels
Some companies have circumvented this dilemma by making CBD water in smaller opaque bottles and jars that are ready to drink (prices are expected to go even higher with this new development).
bottom line
The CBD water market is currently declining at a rapid pace. Questionable product design, cannabidiol’s volatility, and high prices all contributed to this massive decline. The product has several utilities, but the downsides that come with them are guaranteed to put people off.
This does not mean that you should not try the product. If you prefer convenience without worrying about the cost, you can go ahead with these products. But you would do well to exercise caution and only buy the newly produced bottles from licensed pharmacies.
For people who care about the impact of this product on their wallet, it is better to avoid CBD water now until the manufacturers are ready to do the right thing. For this market to take off, CBD water needs to live up to its hype.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been republished with permission.
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