CBD and THC, what are they and how do they affect your health?

You’re probably familiar with the words CBD and THC, but what are they and how can they affect your health? Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two compounds found in members of the cannabis plant genus. They are just two of many compounds called cannabinoids found in the plant.

Although they both come from the same plant, they have very different effects and benefits. Knowing the differences between the two and learning as much as you can about the two compounds before using them can help you see the potential health benefits and risks of both compounds. Start by being clear about what they are, followed by their risks, side effects, and possible healthy uses.

What is THC?

THC (the shortened name for tetrahydrocannabinol) produces many of the psychological (or intoxicating) effects that the body can experience from consuming marijuana. It’s just one of many compounds found in the cannabis plant, but it can have a range of psychoactive effects.

THC interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the human brain. The body’s cannabinoid receptors—linked to memory, pleasure, thinking, and motor skills—are activated when THC touches them. This leads to some of the impairments in memory, senses and time perception associated with the connection.

According to a detailed report by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the combination of all the changes in your system creates the high and causes it to vary from person to person.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is another cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis plant. It tends to reduce or neutralize the effects of THC depending on the amount a consumer is ingesting at any one time. Consumed primarily in oil form, it is readily available to those who wish to use it for its health benefits.

Perhaps the most significant difference between CBD and THC is that CBF has no psychoactive properties. CBD is ideal for reaping the health benefits of the plant without getting high or experiencing psychoactive effects.

Photo by Evopure CBD via Unsplash

risks and side effects

There are some risks and side effects associated with both compounds.

According to Harvard Medical School, CBD can cause nausea, fatigue, and irritability, or potentially increase levels of a blood thinner called coumadin in your bloodstream. There’s also no knowing exactly what dosages are right, since CBD is more commonly sold as a dietary supplement (which isn’t regulated by the FDA) rather than a drug. Studies show that it can be effective in treating epilepsy and inflammation, but using the supplement may cause you to feel tired, decrease your appetite, or experience gastrointestinal problems in the first few weeks after use. The FDA also raises concerns that taking unapproved CBD with other drugs could affect your body, and warns that taking it with alcohol could cause harm.

RELATED: Do I Really Need Both CBD and THC?

THC is difficult to measure and could put you at risk of exceeding the intended dose, especially with edibles. THC can also affect memory and cause a decline in general knowledge or breathing problems later in life in those who smoke it frequently.

The medicinal benefits of CBD and THC

As more time goes by, anecdotal evidence from users is evaluated, and studies are conducted into its effects, the medical benefits of both CBD and THC begin to become apparent.

RELATED: How CBD Blocks the Paranoia and Anxiety Caused by Marijuana’s THC

CBD is used to alleviate and relieve certain medical conditions including inflammation/pain, bowel disorders, seizures, depression and anxiety (among others). It can also help you fall asleep (and stay asleep). CBD has a long history of helping to alleviate these conditions, and more studies are being conducted every year to further explore its benefits and medical uses.

THC, on the other hand, is more typically used for pain, glaucoma, muscle problems, insomnia, nausea, and a subpar appetite.

Additional Learning Resources

Education is always the best route to understanding, and you can learn more by exploring a range of additional resources both online and, if possible, at your local library. The FDA, WHO and CDC are good sources of information.

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