CBD 101: What To Expect When Consuming a CBD Dominant Strain
We are in the CBD age. The cannabinoid has quickly become the second most popular cannabinoid after THC, a compound with a hundred year history. CBD is found in tinctures, oils, clothing, and pillows. It can also be smoked and vaped, and has different effects than THC strains.
While CBD is not known for its psychoactive effects, its presence in cannabis strains has been associated with pleasant and mellow highs, some of which are perfect for beginners or for people who don’t want to worry about a cannabis-infused panic attack to have . Thanks to their less intoxicating properties, CBD-dominant strains are ideal for people seeking the medicinal benefits of the plant or planning to consume them in the middle of the day before engaging in an activity that requires some concentration.
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The effects of the cannabinoid
Photo by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash
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The effects of CBD strains are similar to those produced by consuming CBD oils and products, only they work faster because of the way the compound is absorbed. These strains tend to relieve pain, inflammation, anxiety, and even seizures. Unlike THC-dominant strains, CBD strains are not associated with side effects such as anxiety, dizziness, increased heart rate, and nervousness.
CBD can be consumed for reasons other than medical
Photo by Colton Duke via Unsplash
CBD has been linked to relieving depression, anxiety, insomnia, and more, making it a great option for people looking for medicinal effects. But even if you’re not looking for the medicinal effects of CBD, these strains can be a good fit if you’ve had a negative experience with THC or want to try something new.
Consumption method is important
Photo by Erin Hinterland via Pixababy
As with most forms of cannabis, how the compound is consumed matters and affects your high. For example, smoked CBD works faster than oral CBD. Some experts believe that smoked CBD could be more effective than orally consumed CBD, which takes time to set in and is hard to notice if you’ve never experienced it before.
Finally, how does it feel?
Photo by Andre Hunter via Unsplash
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CBD creates a personal experience that is difficult to describe, much like describing a THC high to someone who has never experienced it. While you won’t feel high as if you smoked THC, CBD can help you feel relaxed and loose, maybe energetic or sleepy. It all depends on your body, your experience with the compound, and your method of ingestion.
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