Caught Around The World – The Consequences Of Growing Cannabis Crossword – Latest Cannabis News Today
There are many plants that only grow in certain places in the world, but luckily, cannabis is not one of them. Certain strains thrive in certain climates and we often recognize them by name, for example Durban Poison or Afghan Kush. They call it grass for a reason; Basically, this plant can grow anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, it cannot always be the same, especially if it can lead to serious consequences. Being able to grow cannabis and having the legal right to do so are two completely different things. Depending on where you are in the world, you can face exorbitant fines, corporal punishment, jail sentences and / or even the death penalty if you are caught illegally growing cannabis.
Cannabis sequence crossword puzzle
There is a legal principle derived from ancient Roman law that is still practiced today: ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of the law does not excuse). Regardless of where you are in the world, you are expected to obey the laws of that country. When it comes to respecting a country’s rules and regulations, you can handle most situations by using common sense. There are major exceptions to this rule, however, especially when it comes to weed. The consequences for cannabis cultivation vary widely around the world. From nonexistent to unforgiving and severe, each government is free to punish as it sees fit. Basically, if you want to grow cannabis illegally, you should better know what to expect if you get caught.
With all of that in mind, let’s play a game! What do you know about growing weed all over the world breaking down? Test your knowledge by following the cannabis growing crossword puzzle!
How did you deal with this crossword puzzle? Which laws surprised you the most? If you enjoyed this game and want to keep playing, click here for an outdoor cannabis crossword!
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