Cannacurio: Virginia’s industrial hemp trader
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The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) manages hemp registrations for all participants in the value chain, including growers, processors and distributors. An industrial hemp trader buys industrial hemp from a producer and sells this industrial hemp to another trader or to a processor. Industrial hemp dealer registration is not intended for a retail company selling a hemp product. The registration fee is $ 250.
The long arm of the law will hover around this program. Here are some excerpts from the application form:
- A person convicted of a crime within 10 years of the filing date is not eligible for registration as an industrial hemp trader.
- The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) will forward a record of each registration of industrial hemp traders to the chief law enforcement officer of the location where the registered trader will be trading industrial hemp.
- VDACS notifies the superintendent of the state police of the locations of all industrial hemp dealers.
- The Commissioner for Agriculture and Consumer Services can advise the Superintendent of the State Police or the chief law enforcement officer of the relevant county or city if a dealer is trading cannabis sativa with a THC concentration higher than the legal limit (0.3%)) .
In addition to these threatening warnings, the regulatory authority asked about the size of the dealership: “Dealership” refers to the place where a dealer stores or wants to store industrial hemp he Deals. The numbers quoted ranged from 25 square feet to 566,280 square feet. This license holder has also applied for a 10 acres cultivation license so he still gets 130,680 square feet for storage (3 acres) so it should be good.
When checking the locations, the 246 licenses are distributed across 155 cities. Here are the cities with the most registered hemp traders:
License holders were also asked what strain of hemp they would handle. Choices included fiber, grain, flowers, or all of the above. Based on the 153 who responded, here is the breakdown of the choices:
The team is working on the processors as well as the thousands of add-on licenses. We will report on this in a future post.
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