Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – MCBA

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‍Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA) is the largest national trade association dedicated to serving the needs of minority cannabis businesses and communities. With a focus on policy, the goal of the MCBA is to assist the communities that have been disproportionately criminalized for doing this work and lower the barriers to entry in the pursuit of a just, equitable and responsible cannabis industry.

Cannabiz Media spoke to MCBA President Kaliko Castille to learn how the association uses the Cannabiz Media license database to keep up to date with the industry and where to focus its efforts.

Why is MCBA partnering with the Cannabiz Media License Database?

MCBA relies on the Cannabiz Media License Database to track social equity licenses. “It’s important for us to be able to see where social justice applicants and licenses are located,” explains Kaliko.

But Kaliko advises the entire industry to be mindful about tracking social equity licenses. “It’s really important for people who are operators who want to do the right thing and want more minority operators on their shelves. You can use tools like the Cannabiz Media License Database to find out who these people are and reach them, because diversity isn’t just about ownership. That’s a really big part, but it’s also about diversity in the supply chain, hiring people and a lot of other things.”

“I really appreciate that you guys have been our partners in this and for the work you do to move the ball forward,” concludes Kaliko.

How can you further the cause of MCBA?

MCBA strives to contribute to the growth of the association in a similar way to NCIA. Through political summits and lobbying, they propose fair policies for people to submit to their legislators or regulators that double down on what is already working, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

Calico gives an example. “Oakland, California is one of the first places to have a social justice program. And they have, for example, given low-interest loans and grants to entrepreneurs to make it easier for people to access licenses.”

Because the MCBA is an entirely volunteer organization, they have no offices nationwide, nor do they have paid employees in the states where they work. Ultimately, it’s all about providing resources and a network. By finding people who want to connect with other like-minded stakeholders in their area to work on these issues by lobbying at the state and local levels.

For more information on MCBA and for additional insights from Kaliko Castille, follow the link and listen to Cannabiz Media’s latest Cannacurio Podcast episode, which features Kaliko as a special guest.

To learn more about how the Cannabiz Media License Database can help you advance MCBA’s mission by actively seeking social equity vendors to work with, schedule a short demo.

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