Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Leaf Trade 2023
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Leaf Trade is a technology company that makes ordering and fulfillment easier in the cannabis industry. In addition to its leading wholesale marketplace between licensed cannabis growers/processors and dispensaries in regulated cannabis states, the Company’s B2B technology streamlines the entire ordering and fulfillment process, payment process and post-sale reporting.
Cannabiz Media spoke to Leaf Trade President Michael Piermont to learn how he and his team are using the Cannabiz Media license database and what’s next for Leaf Trade. This is a follow-up to Cannabiz Media’s conversation with Michael in June 2022.
Why does Leaf Trade subscribe to the Cannabiz media license database?
In addition to using the Cannabiz media license database for strategic planning and growth planning, Leaf Trade also subscribes to ensure each team member has access to the right data at all times. Michael explains, “We’re not out there to auto-call or 50-email out because we’re in restricted states. We need to have the right data at all times, to a limited extent.”
For Michael and his team, the Cannabiz Media License Database provided important information when planning markets and researching opportunities. “Even back in 2017-2018 when we were a two or three person business,” says Michael, “I only had the Cannabiz Medial License Database.” Our entire business relied on limited licensing states, so it was so important that I knew exactly who had which license. Was the license valid? Has it been transferred? There was no other way to get this information and there is still no other way to get it than the Cannabiz Media License Database.”
What’s next for leaf trading?
Since merging with Sweed, a cannabis point-of-sale (POS) solution with e-commerce, marketing, customer engagement, delivery and more features, Leaf Trade has been busy exploring opportunities.
“The day we announced the deal,” says Michael, “we got 15 or 20 calls from companies asking if they could participate or if there was space. Some of the companies are free, and that makes sense. Some of the data companies could be located between Sweed and Leaf Trade. We’re always opportunistic, so let’s look at everything. There’s one or two that we’ll probably flush out in the next 10-12 months.”
However, Leaf Trade remains focused on its original mission. Michael says, “For us, it’s really a direct focus on the enterprise solution and multi-state operators. That has always been the thesis of Leaf Trade and Sweed – the enterprise solution. I don’t think a standard solution really works. It has to be bespoke and customer focused, and that’s what enterprise technology is. You reach 80% and then you have to submit to their internal stack.”
For more information on Leaf Trade and to get additional insights from Michael, follow the link and listen to Cannabiz Media’s latest episode of Cannacurio Podcast where Michael is the special guest. You can also listen to Cannabiz Media’s Cannacurio Podcast interview with Michael from June 2022.
To learn more about how subscribing to the Cannabiz Media License Database can help your business just as it helps Leaf Trade, follow the link and schedule a free demo.
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