Cannabis Use Disorder Linked to Depression: Study – Cannabis | weed | marijuana
Researchers have linked cannabis use disorders to depression and bipolar disorder, according to a new study. However, this observational study, which used data from Danish individuals, failed to establish cause and effect.
The researchers (and their media parrots) say they found an almost two-fold increased risk of depression and a three-fold increased risk of bipolar disorder. They blame “cannabis use disorder.”
The researcher wrote, “There is some evidence that cannabis use may be associated with an increased risk of developing psychiatric disorders.”
But the truth is hidden under the covers.
The researchers write: “The association could also be reversed or due to confounding (i.e. a shared genetic predisposition to cannabis use and psychiatric disorders).”
In other words, people already prone to bipolar and depressive symptoms might be seeking relief from cannabis.
Study details
These can be long-term negative effects of long-term cannabis use. Of course, the 20th century is the outlier. People have been cultivating and consuming cannabis without harm for centuries.
Suppose there is such a thing as “cannabis use disorder” that seems to be synonymous with daily cannabis use. In this case, it is not obvious that depression or bipolar disorder is the result.
This study is an observational study, therefore no causal relationship can be established. Separately, it suggests that chronic cannabis use leads to a duplication of unipolar depression, psychotic unipolar depression, and nonpsychotic unipolar depression.
They also link cannabis use to an “increased risk of bipolar disorder,” which affects men more than women. (But how could that be when male and female brains are identical?)
Could it be that “cannabis use disorder” is a social phenomenon? That culturally, men experience greater mental health relief from cannabis use than women?
That brains, biology and neuro-explanations have nothing to do with it? That the pharmacology of drugs cannot compel people to act against their preferences?
Of course, this study does not eliminate the detection error. Its limitations are not emphasized, including the private doctor-patient diagnoses that led to the label “cannabis use disorder”.
Nevertheless, due to the large sample size, the researchers wrote, “The results of this cohort study suggest that cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of psychotic and non-psychotic bipolar disorder and unipolar depression.”
But what does that tell us? Accidental drowning in a swimming pool has been linked to Nicolas Cage films.
The correlation tells us nothing other than the researchers’ biases.
Cannabis Use Disorder Linked to Depression: Study
Researchers have linked cannabis use disorders to depression and bipolar disorder. But they haven’t proven cause and effect. They merely made claims based on selected data.
They even admit that cannabis use disorder is “independently” linked to these mental health issues.
If that was just the opinion of some researchers, then whatever. For every lousy study on cannabis, there’s a good one.
The researchers suspect, however, that their “findings” are influencing the public debate about the legalization and regulation of cannabis. They write, “These findings have implications for the legalization and control of cannabis use.”
No, they don’t. The only conclusion from this study is that we are right to ask for common law rules. “Public health” letting governments advise them on how to formulate their policies is as bad as priests and bishops influencing the state apparatus.
Religious groups may try to restrict cannabis based on cultural and religious beliefs surrounding the plant. Modern prohibitionists use Science™ as justification.
But whether it was the “scientific” dictatorship of the USSR or the “scientific” racism of Nazi Germany, hiding behind the veil of “science” is a silly game.
Cannabis use disorder is Science™
The ideology traps good scientists and elevates bad ones to positions of power.
Western society has not transitioned into a post-religious order in which pragmatic solutions and scientific facts determine our values.
The West has merely adopted scientific terms and definitions into the realm of a state religion. Instead of bishops warning of the devil and eternal hellfire, politicians warn of mad dictators as the next Hitler and downplay nuclear war.
Instead of referring to authoritative sacred texts, the masses are encouraged to “follow the science” and take these observational studies as indisputable knowledge.
Narratives that are damaging to the establishment are “hate speech” and “misinformation”. And as in the old Soviet Union, authorities can designate political and cultural dissidents as people with mental health problems.
You don’t have to engage in ideas you don’t agree with when the speaker is a stoner suffering from a cannabis use disorder!
Cannabis use disorder exposed
People with bipolar disorder or another type of depression may find relief with cannabis. So much relief that they use cannabis every day.
But according to our wise overlords, daily cannabis use is a cannabis use disorder. Any chronic cannabis use is considered serious and indicates a problem.
But what is considered heavy cannabis use? High-THC strains every day? What if you consume so much but manage to stay productive and happy? Is this still a “cannabis use disorder”?
Perhaps the definition of Dr. Grinspoon more aptly: “Continued use despite negative consequences.”
dr Grinspoon advocates “Cali sober”. When struggling with harder drugs like alcohol or opioids, using cannabis or psychedelics is a legitimate route to recovery.
This belief is at odds with “public health” and ideological reconstruction programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. They will say that you are not really “sober” or “in recovery” if you microdose on cannabis or psychedelics.
Despite AA meetings welcoming coffee and cigarette consumption.
The concepts of addiction, sobriety, and recovery are all social phenomena. Suppose you use cannabis daily for years. When this happens, your brain and body experience a “withdrawal” of phytocannabinoids from your system.
For many, this can be just as uncomfortable as giving up habits.
Have you ever moved or changed jobs but accidentally returned to the old place? Habits are hard to break, especially when they hit the pleasure centers of the brain.
What to do if you are addicted
“Cannabis use disorder” only exists in the mind. Of course, if you value and benefit from cannabis, using cannabis is better than not using cannabis.
But suppose you change your preferences. For example, maybe smoking all day every day is getting expensive. So cut it down to three to four times a week.
Will you suffer from “Cannabis US Disorder”? Or does the pharmacology of cannabis have nothing to do with it?
What if you don’t have any mental health issues and stop using cannabis?
What if, along with reducing or giving up cannabis, you also practiced proper diet and exercise? Maybe you’ll quit playing video games in your free time and start a part-time job to escape the 9-5 hype.
And once you get the hang of it, you’re consuming cannabis as a fun pastime. Whether every day or once a week.
If you do all this, will you still suffer from “cannabis use disorder”? This study does not provide an answer. It’s another useless observational study of drug war propaganda.
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