Cannabis Slavery in Scotland – Who’s to Blame?
https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/cannabis-the-ugly-truth-about-child-slavery-in-secret-farms-in-scotland-cannot-be-ignored-by- user-alex-cole-hamilton-msp-3297817
Everyone knows that “DRUGS” is the world’s largest and most profitable illegal market.
But do you know what the second largest black market is?
When you have guessed “weapons” – guess again. The second largest black market in the world after the illegal drug market is human trafficking!
With an estimated $ 150 billion in profits annually for traffickers, human trafficking is a resilient and highly profitable market that is evil at its core.
Human trafficking means “placing someone in a situation of exploitation”. These include forced labor, prostitution, organ removal, and forced marriage. This is what we call “modern slavery”.
I would add “drug prisoners” as another form of modern slavery, but that’s not the point of this article.
You may now be wondering what is the point of this article? What does human trafficking have to do with cannabis?
Well I felt the need to promote human trafficking for this article because I am going to tell you the story of human trafficking and cannabis in a place called Scotland.
Cannabis and child trafficking in Scotland
Alex-Cole-Hamilton, a Liberal Democratic politician and Member of Parliament for Edinburgh, Scotland. He recently wrote an article in the Edinburgh News outlining the “ugly truth about child slavery on hidden cannabis farms in Scotland”.
In the article, the politician points out that these illegal actors in the illegal cannabis industry typically drive children from Southeast Asia to the UK and force them to run cannabis farms.
These conditions are often bleak, and even the thought of evicting someone to grow weed is quite unsettling.
Up until that point, I was 100% in agreement with Cole-Hamilton’s position on human trafficking – there is no way we should do that!
The problem comes when he tried to put the blame on the consumer.
“That is of course true, but there is another aspect of this story and one that will make it uncomfortable to read many people who enjoy cannabis and believe that it is harmless to themselves and the world around them. “
This is a common phrase used by politicians when they talk about cannabis. “People think cannabis is harmless to themselves and the world around them …”
That is a naive way of life. Anyone with a bit of understanding knows that there was likely some form of child labor to carry these cheap merchandise or enjoy the latest iPhone.
Corporations do a hell of a job at putting consumers above the gritty realities of manufacturing, but the fact is that most people who work in “manufacturing facilities” do it for $ 1 a day or less.
If this is acceptable in a legal market, it is not surprising that in the illegal market, the introduction of modern slavery is the cheaper alternative. There are no rules.
However, is this the responsibility of the consumer? Should the consumer “stop consuming” just because it happens?
That’s what we’ll talk about in today’s article – Who is to blame for the bloodshed and pain in the illegal cannabis industry?
Politicians will always blame YOU!
The position of Cole-Hamilton is nothing new – politicians have long played the “You are responsible for our shit card”.
This is why “You’re Carbon Footprint” is so important these days!
Because while the big corporations continue to consume our clean water, destroy our forests, make our earth sterile, all in the name of profit; You are the despicable fuck that is destroying the earth!
Oh, and forget to ask about the military’s carbon emissions, this is on a “necessary basis” and you don’t fucking need to know!
Just keep believing that you are the scum of the earth and the reason why everything sucks!
That’s politics 101 people! They did the same with drugs.
The blood of the innocent on your wrists
Many of you may not be old enough to remember this, but in the 1980s and 1990s the DARE campaigns tried every nook and cranny to divert consumer guilt from cannabis.
Fortunately, all of their PSAs looked more like counterculture commercials – but a similar blame strategy can be found in these narratives.
Politicians would spearhead the horrific deaths and murders that occur as a result of drug trafficking and make you feel like you are funding it all.
In a way, they have a point. When you buy drugs from the cartel, you are giving them money to buy guns, people, and politicians.
On the other hand, you didn’t make drugs illegal in the first place. It wasn’t you who sent some of the most lucrative goods underground to be regulated by psychopaths who have no compassion for society.
It was not the consumers who made these laws, but the politicians!
Do not accept the narrative!
I am writing this article to open your eyes to the world where politics works. The politician will always blame you; it makes them the “solution”.
The truth is that we should remind politicians that they set the rules of the game. You – the consumer – are the last link in the supply chain.
Politicians argue that if consumers “just didn’t use drugs,” the traffickers simply wouldn’t have people to sell to, and thus – they would end all trafficking.
Except, that’s a ridiculous position. One could also argue that we have diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Likewise, consumers cannot be expected to “end the war on drugs”, especially since “consumers used drugs before the war on drugs even existed!”
Drug use is older than the ban, which means that the “new kid on the block” is the ban and if someone just “needs to change” – it’s the drug laws.
I bet if cannabis were legal, regulated and widely available in Scotland, you wouldn’t find a trafficked child in a cannabis field.
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