Cannabis-related arrests in Virginia drop 90 percent after legalization
The Virginia Cannabis Act went into effect July 1, 2021, and in just over two months since that date, Richmond County has seen a shocking drop in cannabis-related arrests.
The new law legalizes the possession of up to one ounce of cannabis and the cultivation of up to four personal plants per household, but requires the grower to present their plants with their driver’s license / ID and a notice that they are grown for personal use, indicates.
According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, cannabis arrests in the state’s capital have fallen by 90 percent. In the first seven weeks after the law went into effect (with data collected from July 1 to August 20), there were reported 20 arrests in Chesterfield, two in Henrico, zero in Hanover and three in Richmond, for a total of 25 arrests. There were 257 arrests in July and August 2020.
“A 90 percent reduction in marijuana arrests shows that public order is functioning as intended and in a manner consistent with post-legalization observations from other states,” said the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws’ development director and executive director the Virginia NORML chapter Jenn Michelle Pedini.
Due to the novelty of the law, some of the perpetrators claim not to know what the law allows and what not. Ten of the arrests were between 18 and 20 years old and were charged with possession of minors (which is just a civil penalty). The law says anyone over the age of 21 can own up to one ounce of cannabis, but use in public is prohibited. Seven of the 20 people charged with cannabis arrests were 16 or 17 years old.
Virginia clears new law
Chesterfield Police Chief Jeffrey Katz said that his law enforcement officers “do not shy away” from the law and that it is important to arrest people in the name of public safety. While they are not seeking cannabis-related arrests, they may bring charges.
However, some of the recorded arrests were more than just minor property. A Chesterfield person was caught growing an estimated 50 cannabis plants and was unable to show the breeder’s name or driver’s license to prove they were allowed.
Before the new law was passed, Katz posted a statement on Facebook on June 25, along with an educational YouTube video from the Chesterfield County Police Department to help the local community understand what the law entails.
“Virginia, we have a problem. Many people believe that marijuana possession and use will be legal in the Commonwealth from July 1, 2021. In reality it’s not that easy, ”he shared. “We feel an obligation to those we serve to bring some of the more granular nuances of this widely misunderstood piece of legislation … but even this short animated summary is no substitute for an in-depth review of the law passed. The devil is in the details, as they say … and like all laws passed by our legislators, it’s our job to promote compliance and enforce violations. Ignorance of the law is not a defense, so we encourage everyone to be both informed and safe. ”
Katz is not an advocate of the law in its current form. He tells the Richmond Times Dispatch that while possession is legal, there are no sales fronts for people to buy cannabis from. Instead, they either have to grow their own plants or buy cannabis on the black market. Cannabis sales regulations are not expected to be in place before January 1, 2024, although efforts are underway to attempt an earlier start.
Cannabis-related arrests have been falling steadily since 2017, according to New Frontier Data. The state of Virginia had an estimated 27,852 cannabis arrests in 2017, 28,866 in 2018, 26,470 in 2019, and a dramatic decrease of 13,674 in 2020.
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