Cannabis legalization needs a new superhero and it can’t be an old white man

Marijuana needs a face to get legalization over the goal line, but what should that person look like?

Who is the face of marijuana legalization in America? If you live north of the border and already have state cannabis legalization, you can certainly call Bruce Linton the face of Canadian Cannabis 1.0. In addition to taking a small chocolate factory building and turning it into the first cannabis powerhouse in Canopy Growth, Bruce secured the largest investment by any public company in the cannabis space at the time of nearly $ 5 billion from Constellation Brands.

But America is a different beast and beast, a lot more people in general, a lot more diverse and a lot more complicated than Canada. With the current political and social climate in the US, one thing is certain, it cannot be an old white man pushing the ball over the finish line of cannabis legalization. Old people have a long history of cannabis for a reason, a time when it was illegal in the 60s, the flower children of the 70s, and then the war on drugs in the 80s. There is nothing wrong with these eras, but they are what they are, eras long past. Cannabis 2.0 in 2021 is young, hip, healthy and multicultural, with an emphasis on social justice and economic empowerment every day.

Second, it can’t be white. From the discussions about white privilege to the statistics on minority arrests and incarcerations for cannabis versus Caucasians arrests, it’s pennies smart and foolish to “look for” a white, faced hero who can Movement leads. If cannabis is to have a real “fresh start” it has to be an honest look in the mirror and it has to reflect its clearly racist past, from imprisonment to Nixon talking about “black and colored people like marijuana”.

An interesting question is, since the majority of Congress and the President himself are white, legalization needs a Caucasian face to actually carry out legalization at the federal level. Would everyone in Congress feel better if Tom Brady or Chris Evans were the face of commercials and posters legalizing marijuana? I hope not, but I wonder if this is really true, but I digress.

The new league for weed justice

If these things are what the face of cannabis legalization cannot be, then who are the people who might be considered contenders for the face of cannabis legalization? Who are the hot prospects, the safe tips and the “out of the box” ideas? Just based on marketing surveys and common sense advertising history, cannabis would want someone young, attractive, and with charisma. The movement needs someone who can speak eloquently and not get irrational or emotional when challenged by reefer madness maniacs like Kevin Sabet. They need to be educated, or at least respected, by both sides of the aisle, or in this case, both sides of the pro and anti-pot debates. (Think CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, but he’s too old so don’t worry.) You should really understand the plant and use it regularly, but don’t have a man-bun and wear a Grateful Dead shirt on every TV Interview.

Remember, the industry cannot choose a person or face that WE love and want to see them get more TV time. The leader needs to be able to reach out to NON-CANNABIS fans and get their attention and respect. Easier says there cannot be a referendum right now on “the most popular person in cannabis class”.

Who are the hot candidates, the top candidates to become the face or spokesman for the cannabis legalization movement in the US? My insider list and a quick rundown of Vegas odds are as follows:

Possible # 1 draft picks pick

Shanel Lindsay, passionate about cannabis – According to her NBC interview, Shanel has been with Ardent for over 7 years, runs a full-time cannabis company that makes decarboxylation machines, is an attorney, speaks well, has a personal history of her cannabis use, and could be a model. Brains, beauty, cannabis and just getting started on a national level.

Wanda James – The legend of the west coast has been featured on numerous TV shows, news programs and online streams. Wanda runs a full time cannabis business, speaks very well, and has a charisma that you can’t teach, either you have it or you don’t. Already a legend in the cannabis community, it is already breaking through on the national media level.

Nadir Pearson – Nadir, known as the Pony Boy, has been a cannabis activist since high school and at Brown University. He’s worked on cannabis media and created some of the best pieces on social media. He introduced with its great IG streams and short videos and is now a full time media and branding expert in the cannabis space with 3 new projects.

Jessica Billingsly – Akerna CEO – Smart, funny, female CEO of Akerna, a publicly traded cannabis ordering platform and menu manager. While she may not do IG videos and media content like others, she is a powerhouse in the boardroom and runs a really smart and streamlined ship at Akerna. The acquisition of major software companies and cannabis platforms in recent years has put Akerna in an excellent position for full legalization.

Outside the box

Sick child

And a child should lead them. What if a sick child or a sick child who has been cured of cannabis became the main character or ideal for legalization? Could a sick child warm Mitch McConnell’s heart to finally vote for full legalization? What about a popular famous person’s sick child who uses cannabis to cure or reduce seizures? Don’t forget Alex Bortell and the role she has played in challenging the legal status of cannabis in a wide variety of legal proceedings. She is now entering her late teens, in her early 20s, and an ardent advocate of cannabis.

Doctor healing with cannabis

The conservative view of cannabis can change quickly when a respected doctor researching cannabis and cannabinoids makes a major breakthrough with medical treatment and cannabis. If a large study shows a breakthrough effect for cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, COVID, or the like, most Republicans and Conservatives will at least change their minds toward a medical okay condition as the benefits of this new medical breakthrough will outweigh the benefits. Weigh any personal concerns about the plant and its mistakenly told story.

Elon Musk – Jeff Bezos

With what Elon has to do for cryptocurrencies, and Amazon recently backed marijuana legalization while removing marijuana from its 5-panel drug tests, an already legendary type of media and business type could push legalization over the top. If Elon tweeted as often for legalization and political support as Dodge or Bitcoin, would we see wider ranges of influence? What is Bezos went a step further, providing incentives for the states and the U.S. government to legalize, much like Amazon is now doing with Covid vaccine syringes and its employees.Amazon is currently paying its employees $ 40 for its first COVID vaccine and $ 40 for the second. Could Amazon incentivize states and even the federal government to legalize it by offering to cover health insurance costs for a state or government when fully legalized. That may not work in Amazon’s favor with their push into prescription medication and 2-day fulfillment with pillbox. Just thinking outside the box and seeing how business interests and a whole load of cash can drive legalization to the finish line.

As industry legends like Kobe, Lebron, and Michael see Steve DeAngelo, Bruce Linton, and Jim Belushi, there’s a new all-star team that will be the face of full federal legalization for the next year or two. Cannabis is alive. Curt Dalton of said, “Cannabis is going to be the greatest business opportunity of my life. The full legalization of the plant in the USA and then in the 163 member states of the UN will bring about the greatest change in social behavior since the end of Prohibition. It will overshadow crypto, but be up there with the smartphone when it comes to life and global change. “

Will the cannabis movement gather on the figurehead to push legalization down the last and toughest inches? Will regional leaders speak for different geographic areas or social demographics? For example, are we going to have another rap thing between east coast and west coast without the bullets? There are cannabis celebrities out there already, but these are Hollywood stars and hip-hop artists who are already known for their other talents, not just for smoking weed. The industry will need a familiar face that the mainstream media and television can point to as ambassadors for the legalization of cannabis and marijuana.

What do you think? Who is your pick as the new face of cannabis legalization for the US?







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