Cannabis for “Chemo Brain” – Cannabis | weed | marijuana

New research from the University of Colorado Boulder shows how medical cannabis for cancer not only reduces pain and insomnia, but also improves what is known as the “chemo brain.”

“Chemo brain” is a term cancer survivors use to describe memory and thinking problems that result from chemotherapy. Another word is “brain fog” or “chemo fog”.

Some symptoms can be:

  • It takes longer to complete routine tasks
  • Short attention span and memory problems
  • Difficulty multitasking and learning new skills
  • General confusion
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulties with verbal and visual memory

This study was unique in that it looked at over-the-counter cannabis products and not government-issued drugs that contained cannabis as an ingredient. In addition, the researchers did not use synthetic cannabis.

As expected, the researchers found that the cancer patients experienced less pain and had better sleep quality. But to their surprise, the patients had a bigger realization. That is, cancer patients who used cannabis had less “chemo-brain.”

Cannabis for “chemo brain”

“When you’re in a lot of pain, it’s hard to think,” said Angela Bryan, the study’s lead author. “We found that when patients’ pain levels decreased after prolonged cannabis use, patients’ cognition improved.”

According to surveys, up to 40% of cancer patients in the US use cannabis for relief.

Although the study was small and more research is needed to determine longer-term benefits, the results are promising.

As mentioned earlier, unlike in other studies, the patients bought their cannabis from local pharmacies. Typically in research settings, the cannabis is either provided by the government or is a synthetic version.

Because cannabis remains illegal federally, most cannabis studies use a prescription product such as e-nabilone or dronabinol. Or ill-procured, weak government trunks.

Because this study allowed patients to buy their own edibles from pharmacies of their choice, there was less standardization. However, giving patients choices highlighted aspects that the researchers had never considered.

Cancer patients in the Chemo-Brain cannabis study bought from 18 brands. These included baked goods, tinctures, pills, chocolates and jelly beans. The THC concentration of the products varies, with most containing different ratios of THC and CBD.

“It shows us that people are open to trying anything they find useful, but there just isn’t a lot of data to help them know what works best for what,” Bryan said.

Method: Cannabis for “Chemo Brain”

cannabis for

The researchers of the cannabis study “Chemo-Brain” used a Dodge Sprinter as a “mobile laboratory”. The researchers called it their “cannavan”.

With a van, they were able to visit each patient at home. Participants underwent physical and cognitive tests in the van and were reassessed at home after using cannabis.

Two weeks later, the researchers carry out more tests.

Researchers in this cannabis study for the “chemo brain” came to some conclusions. It is evident that cannabis relieved patients’ pain while inducing a “high” feeling. The researchers concluded that the higher the THC content, the more comfortable the patient felt.

But what surprised the authors of this cannabis study for “chemo brain” was the long-term effects.

While hard-working health professionals claim that cannabis lowers IQ, they do not base this assumption on an unbiased research study.

Whenever we get research in this area, the results are positive for cognitive function. And indeed, researchers found this out.

After two weeks of cannabis use, researchers found that patients reported better pain management, sleep quality, and cognitive function.

“We thought we might see some issues with cognitive function,” Bryan said, noting that people tend to associate cannabis and chemotherapy with thinking disorders. “But people actually felt like they were thinking more clearly. It was a surprise.”

Researchers used objective measures of cognitive function, including reaction times. They found that the more people’s pain subsided, the more their perception improved.

In other words, cannabis helps reduce the “chemo brain.” Patients consuming CBD and THC saw the most notable improvements.

What does the future hold?

While larger, controlled studies are welcome, this small study shows promise. While cannabis gets a bad rap for impairing short-term thinking, it is clear that it has long-term benefits for those in pain.

The study’s lead author, herself a breast cancer survivor, hopes this research will continue. She worries that most patients don’t know that cannabis works against the ‘chemo-brain’. Or that other chemo-related symptoms are not well known. In addition, doctors are reluctant to prescribe medication.

Still, she was able to survive surgery and chemotherapy with THC and CBD edibles. Bryan says she did not take a single opiate during her cancer treatment.

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